Chapter 25

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SO you'll finally be able to find out who this mysterious person is!! HOPE YOUR SHOCKED!


*Wendy's P.O.V*

I had stopped myself from crying anymore, and headed back into the stadium with Todo. The battle between Bakugo and Tokoyami was half way done.

Tokoyami was getting sloppy and looked really tired. On the other hand Bakugo still had that crazy look yelling "DIE!" the fight was almost over so I turned to Todo.

"Thanks for explaining yourself Todo but next time don't go easy on me" I said with a glare before smiling again. He mumbled something under his breath but since it was so loud in the stadium, I couldn't hear him.

"Well I have to go Todo I'll see ya later" I yelled as I waved at him while running the other way. That lady with the cloak would watch my every move and I was gonna confront her once and for all.

I walked into the dark hallways and saw her there as if waiting for me, "Who are you?" I question darkly, my face void of any emotion.

She chuckled and had a little smirk before saying "Aww and here I thought you would be happy to see me, ne Wendy..." I gasped, it couldn't be her, the person who had gone missing during the fight against Alvarez it was....

*Izuku's P.O.V*

I saw Wendy and called out her name "Wen..." I stopped short when her voice turned blank. "Who are you?" she said darkly, the figure just chuckled while smirking "Aww and here I thought you would be happy to see me, ne Wendy..."

Wendy gasped and had tears in her eyes. She struggled to say the name "M-M-Mi-MIRA!" she yelled while tackling her. She now was sobbing, "W-why d-di-did yo-you le-lea-leave us" she said in between her sobs.

The figure, now without her cloak as it fell off when Wendy tackled her, was a woman in maybe in her 20s and had long beautiful white hair, her eyes a nice shade of blue.

I recognized her immediately, she was a Pro-hero and her hero name "THE MAJIN". How did Wendy know her? She kept to herself and was insanely powerful, her powers rivaling Endeavor. The only thing, she scared many people with her quirk.

She never bothered to explain her quirk, but more mysterious, no one knows where she came from. She just popped out of nowhere and gained much attention they were forced to make her a hero.

She never bothered to explain her origin and refused to meet any media, she also was known for her power being destructed. Adding to that was her big temper, and her appearance added to that when she transformed.

...But back to the question, how did Wendy know her?

"Oh Wendy, you have no idea how long I've been trying to get back. I missed Fairy Tail, and when I heard about a young girl with blue hair falling in U.A, I finally had hope again.

I promised I never stopped trying, but I was forced to become a hero and my duties began to stack up. Enough about me though how is Fairy Tail?" She asked hopeful.

"Fairy Tail has been doing great! Their trying to find a way to get me back and now since your here I'll tell them all about they'll be over the moon!!" Wendy said excitedly with some tear stains on her cheeks.

She looked so much better than before, she looked...Happy. That's when I hear the announcement "WENDY V.S BAKUGO WILL BE STARTING IN 5 mins, SO WILL PARTICIPANTS GET TO THE STADIUM" I was shocked how long have I been here.

"Well Mira I'll talk to you right after my match. Promise me you won't leave again!" She pleaded scared that she may vanish again. "Wendy now that I'm here with you, I won't ever let you out of my sight" she said smiling.

Wendy nodded and ran off to her match. The figure, now known as Mira, laughed and turned my way "You can come out now boy" I was shocked how did she know I was here.

I came out shyly, "I-I'm s-so so-sor-sorry" I said very scared, of the woman in front of me. "I've seen you with Wendy, let me tell you this once, Wendy is off-limits. She has someone in Fairy Tail that I know she likes."

I was scared but mumbled "I d-do-don't li-like he-he" I stammered. A hollow laugh filled the hallway "I've had my eye on those boys, but Wendy isn't a prize to be won. Don't hurt her in any way or else..." she paused before grinning darkly "hell's gonna break loose"

I didn't want it to end that way so I uttered "I admit I like Wendy, but in the end the choice of who she ends up with is hers" she turned her head back "Your right so you better try your best of you do like Wendy" she said while walking away.

My legs gave out, how did Wendy know someone like her. I was sweating and scared of this person named Mira, but I had to try my best if I really did like Wendy I thought to myself as I took deep breaths.

*Wendy's P.O.V*

I ran to the field and made it just in time. I looked at Bakugo and decided to tease him, "Don't go easy on me you got it Bakugo" I said with a wink. "HAH WHY WOULD I GO EASY ON YOU EXTRA" he said turned away with a little hint of red.

"NOW WE HAVE THE FINALS, EVERYBODY MAKE SOME NOISE" and everyone screamed and shouted, I'm soon be def because of this crowd I thought to myself.

"NOW LET'S BEGIN THIS BATTLE...NOWWW!!" Bakugo was the one who first started,trying to attack me with his explosions. I dodge and used the wind to help me.

I was starting to get tired so I casted my enchantments ""Fast wind that run the heaven...VERNIER...Power of the stout arms that tears heaven... ARMS...Elemental Resistance Rise...DEUS CORONA!"


Hearing that made Bakugo get mad cause he just rushed now. I needed him to get close so I let him hit me and he had a smirk on his face.

I smirked too he was caught in my trap "First Sky Arrow" I yelled as I kicked him landing a direct hit. This made him even madder and he got even more sloppy "DIE!" he yelled as he kept on attacking me.

Some people started to murmur, about Bakugo being rough on a girl like me but he ignored it. He was getting more and more sloppy which I used "Sky Dragon Wing Attack" I yelled as he once again got hit, but I didn't stop there.

"Sky Dragon Crushing Fang" I said as he managed to dodge this attack. This battle was taking to long so I decided to use my dragon force to end it.

I smirked "ARE YOU READY BAKUGO" I yelled as he turned a bit pale. " I hear the voice of the wind...I feel the pulse of the sky in my veins...As for right now...the pocket of space we are in is mine to command! Dragon Force!!"

I yelled my hair turned pink and my eyes turned pink too. "Sky Dragon Secret Art: Shattering Light: Sky Drill" I said as I made the wind trap Bakugo. He kept trying to explode but I kept adding wind. "More...more...more" I mumbled as I finally finished and hit him.

"BAKUGO IS DOWN SO THAT MEANS WENDY HAS WON THIS YEARS U.A SPORTS FESTIVALS!" I grinned as I looked at the Lacrima, and I swear for a moment I saw them all with their hand held high holding the Fairy Tail signal.

"For Fairy Tail" I mumbled as I passed out due to healing, and fighting all in one day, and maybe from the shock of seeing Mira again. I still couldn't believe it, was my last thought as I lost consciousness. 


SOO are you guys surprised? I really hope you have enjoyed this book so far, so please vote,comment, and don't forget to share!! ALSO GFRIEND IS HAVING A COMEBACK!!!! SO HAPPY IT'LL BE RELEASED AT FEB. 3!! Sorry for rambling...


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