Chapter 20

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A/N So if anyone is confused I may have taken out some parts like how the girls all were tricked into wearing cheerleader outfits, it did happen I just didn't write it. Also you won't see the part where Izuku and Todoroki argue. Sorry if it confused or anything. SOOO on to the storyy


*Wendy's P.O.V*

 As I ran behind Kiri I hear a loud "ouch!" a few feet away from me. There Shinso was laying on the ground rubbing his head ice all around him. "Huh?" I stopped for a minute.

"Shinso are you alri-" I was cut off my own sentence when a felt another hand take mine and pull me along. "Todoroki? Wha-?" I started as I looked behind seeing Kiri helping Shinso up and giving me a confused look.

"He's fine come on the next match is gonna start." he said not looking at me. That was weird right? Why is Todoroki acting like this?

"Hey!" I said as I pulled away from him, "He is the first match and that was really rude you know" I said trying to reason with him.

He sighed and glared at me with those icy eyes "It's also rude to kiss someone without a warning you know" I blushed and looked at the ground."You still shouldn't be rude no matter the circumstances you know"

He sighed and gently said, "Fine, I'm sorry" this caused me to giggle "Not to me Todo-kun to Shinso" and looked to where he was standing, he was getting ready for the fight against Izu-kun.

"When his fight finished than" he mumbled and I smiled "Perfect, now let's go get some seats to see the fight" and he nodded.

We finally made it and I was trying to encourage both of them without cheering for one of them more than others. Todo-kun was just sitting there looking.

Shinso and Izu-kun were talking until he said something and he responded, I gasped I knew his quirk and he was mind controlling Izu to get out of bounds so he could win.

Last minute though Izu-kun broke free and defeated Shinso "GOOD JOB IZU-KUN" I yelled and I guess he heard cause he grinned and waved at me his face red from fighting, maybe.

I ran down the stairs to congratulate them "Congrats on winning Izu-kun, and good job too Shinso. You guys did really good" I said as I smiled.

Than Todo-kun walked down and glared at both of them. I whispered to him "Go on and tell him now." I said as I shoved him. He mumbled "I'm sorry for being rude" and Shinso seemed to grin at this and accepted it.

Todoroki seemed a bit mad and said "Well I have to go get ready for my match see ya" and ran inside the battlefield

I laughed, "Now I have to go get ready for my match, its right after Todo-kuns" and the boys all nodded as I ran out of the stadium to get some fresh air, I wonder what Fairy Tail is doing"


*Lucy's P.O.V*

We were watching the battle between green haired boy and purple haired boy, we were pretty bored since if ended really quickly. Next was a boy with a scar against a boy with weird elbows.

It had just started and that boy with the scar easily won, he literally froze half the field easily winning. We were all shocked at how fast he won.

Gray was impressed that he could do that and stated that he liked that boy. I was pretty shocked but I saw in his eyes that he experienced some sort of trauma from his family.

I sighed and felt bad for him he must have gone through many things. Than we saw Wendy congratulate him and he smiled even the tiniest bit.

He liked Wendy and she didn't even know. That was so like Wendy getting the hearts of boys and her not knowing that they liked her. 

After the congratulations she got on the field and mumbled something.

She than directly looked at the camera and smile made the Fairy Tail insignia on her hand. The blonde boy must have flirted with her cause Wendy giggled and grinned.

She looked up determined to win but tried to win quick so she wouldn't waste much magic. She just used her Sky Dragon Roar. She easily won by getting him out of bounds and with no injury.

I smiled at the blue haired girl, she hates violence and doesn't like to injure others, she was just too pure. That's what I love about her. 

We will get her back, it would break all of us if we didn't and since Romeo has gone she will be more protected than ever all we need to wait is 2 months.

I sighed, why was it that long when Wendy got their in like 4 days or so. After Wendy's match 5 more came right after and it was pretty boring.

We really didn't pay attention to any of them other than Wendys. Once they all finished it was time to go to the next round. We were all excited about Wendy's fight.

It was the 2nd match and we saw the scar boy battle against the green haired boy. It was so intense and we all once again were shocked when we found out that he could also use fire as his power.

Natsu was so excited and looked like a little kid. We all cheered for the green haired boy though. He kept getting up no matter what and kept going even if he hurt himself.

He also seemed to tell the boy with the scar something about how his power was his and he shouldn't be afraid of it.

Levy would read their lips so we could understand it. It only worked when we could see their facial expressions and how their mouth moved.

Levy sometimes got it wrong but she was pretty accurate when it came down to the green haired boy. Finally the boy with the scar won and the green haired boy had broken his bones.

Wendy had ran right after him and went inside this room most likely to heal him. There was a short break so they could fix up the battlefield.

We all waited patiently for Wendy to go up for her battle. We were all excited, the last battle really hyped us up. Wendy was gonna win this festival or whatever.


Hey guys, so school is about to start which means more work for me. Sorry if I don't update really frequently, but please continue to support this book it means a lot to me! Also remember to vote,comment, and share this book. 


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