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✎ "VENUS!! GET UP," Venus' mom yelled, as she was waking her up. It was Venus' first day of senior year at a new school, and she did not want to go at all..


Venus walked into her new school for the year, and went straight to the principals office to get her schedule for the school year.

"I've called someone down here to show you around the school for the day" the principal, Ms. Williams said as Venus patiently waited in the office. Finally, a tall boy with ginger hair - who looked about 6 foot walked into the office,

"Hi Mr. Hacker, you will be showing Ms. Adara around school for the day" the principal told the boy. "Okay whatever," he said as he shook his head and walked out the door.

"Well damn, he's rude," Venus thought to herself, but she rubbed it off and followed the boy out the door. "Hey, so what's your nam-" Venus said before she was soon cut off. "It doesn't really matter, just come on" he said while noticing one of his friends walking by.

"Ok," Venus said as the two walked to her first period, when they finally arrived to the classroom, the boy noticed that he had the same first period with Venus.

The ginger boy shrugged it off and brushed past her as he went to go sit in his assigned seat. When Venus walked in, the teacher told Venus to come to the front to introduce herself. "Class, we have a new student.. her name is Venus, go ahead and introduce yourself to the class honey" Venus sighed, she already knew that this class was going to be a pain in the ass.

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