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the teacher assigned her a seat.. a seat right in front of the boy she met in the principal's office. Venus huffed before she began walking to her seat.

As she was walking to her seat, she noticed him glancing at her. Venus didn't mind this, she sat in her seat and started doing the work that was on the board. As a few minutes go by into the class, Venus heard the boy laughing and being loud with the rest of his friends in the back.

"Vinnie, quiet down or you will receive a zero for this class," the teacher yelled at the boy.

"Oh, so his name is Vinnie.." Venus thought to herself, as she finally found out what his name was. Vinnie got quieter and started to do his work.

An hour went by..which felt like forever, the bell finally rung for the students to go to their next class.

As Venus be stood up, Vinnie got up and pushed all her things to the floor. Vinnie and his friends started to laugh. "Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you?" Venus asked him. "Nothing's wrong, just learn to stay out of people's way," Vinnie said as he winked at her.

Venus didn't know where her next class was, since this was a new school to her..she was confused. She tried to look for Vinnie but had no luck, that was until she finally saw him..kissing some girl.

"Hey, can you help me? I don't know where my next class is."she asked. "Can't you see that i'm busy right now? Go find that shit yourself,"

Venus rolled her eyes as she walked away from him..still not knowing where her class was. But thankfully, she found her class within a few minutes..just in the right timing before the school bell rung.

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