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VENUS WAS STILL STUCK on how Vinnie switched up on her so suddenly, but she wasn't going to trip about it —since Vinnie wanted to act brand new, Venus could easily do the same.

Venus 💥Venus

Venus 💥
hey jay, you want to
do something today?
it's boring me
being in this house all day.

yeah sure, what do you
want to do?

Venus 💥
idk, maybe dinner?

okay bet, give me an hour
then i'll be omw.

Venus 💥
okay :)

Venus got ready and just in the perfect timing — Jayden texted her to let her know that he was outside,

Venus then left out of her house and locked her front door, she walked to Jayden's car and he complimented her appearance as soon as he saw her.

"Woah Venus, you look really pretty," he announced, as he smiled at her. "Aw thank you Jayden," Venus spoke back, as she blushed at his sweetness.

The whole ride to their destination, Venus and Jayden were talking and they shared a few laughs together.

Since Venus knew him for such a long time, they had a lot in common and had such a great bond with one another — so therefore, they were very comfortable with each other.

Soon enough, they arrived to the restaurant of their choice. Once the duo walked in, they were told that they had to wait to be seated for a few minutes — so the two waited outside instead, since it was a pretty warm day,

As they were waiting, Jayden spoke up and said something, "Jesus Venus, you look so nice today — let me take a few pictures of you," Jayden insisted as he pulled his phone out. "Aww okay," Venus said as she smiled at him.

After Jayden took a couple pictures, he showed them to Venus, "Wow, these are so cute Jayden, please send those to me," Venus voiced excitedly.

Venus and Jayden were finally called back into the restaurant and seated at a booth, they then started to order their food for the afternoon — once their waitress came.

When they were finished, Jayden payed for both of their meals and they proceeded to leave the restaurant,

"Thank you for this Jayden, I really had a great time with you today," Venus thanked Jayden as she gave him a small kiss on his cheek, once he pulled up to her driveway.

"Anything for you, enjoy the rest of your night. Text me tomorrow," Jayden uttered with a small smile across his face.

"Okay," Venus said in response as she smiled and got out of his car.

Once Venus got situated in her house, she looked at the photos that Jayden sent to her — and she then decided to post one of them.

(imagine a pic right here)

LOVERVENUS: absolutely in love with this, i had so much fun today with this cutie @ JAYDENAVILLE 💕💘

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LOVERVENUS: absolutely in love with this, i had so much fun today with this cutie @ JAYDENAVILLE 💕💘

Liked by VINNIEHACKER and 2,568 others.


you're so beautiful 💕
thank you love

omggg, you're such
a bad bitch
that's all you baby

yeah gang

Venus noticed that Vinnie had liked her post too, she was confused when she noticed him in her likes — but Venus didn't really care about it or him at this point.

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