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AS HOURS WENT BY, Venus was still pissed at the fact that Vinnie kept telling her to end it with Jayden,

She still couldn't believe that Vinnie actually told her that. Venus was stressed out, so she thought a nap was what she needed at that moment,

But before Venus could get comfortable in her bed, she got a snapchat notification

FROM Vinnie 🧛🏻                                            2m ago

Vin 🧛🏻
you broke up with that
Jayden dude yet?

Vee 🦇
vinnie, really?

Vin 🧛🏻

Vee 🦇
you seriously think that i'm just
going to break up with Jayden just
because you told me to?

Vin 🧛🏻
i mean yeah. you'd
rather be with him
than to be with me?

Vee 🦇
yes 100%

Vin 🧛🏻
what kinda drugs r you taking?
cause that shit got you thinking

Vee 🦇
Shut the fuck up

Vin 🧛🏻
watch your mouth.
anyways, i'm way better
than Jayden and you know

Vee 🦇

Vin 🧛🏻

Vee 🦇

Vin 🧛🏻
so basically, you're telling
me that you think Jayden
is better than this?

Vin 🧛🏻so basically, you're tellingme that you think Jaydenis better than this?

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Vee 🦇
vinnie, knock it off.

Vin 🧛🏻
i'm just saying. just
think about it.

Vin 🧛🏻
like you really think
that he is better than me

Vin 🧛🏻
look, if I'm being honest,
i just think that you
should be with me
and not him.

Venus left his message on opened, she couldn't even lie, Vinnie was very attractive, but Venus couldn't just leave Jayden hanging, she truly liked him a lot.

Venus was becoming even more stressed with the situation — so she put her phone on do not disturb and layed in her bed, thinking.

She was actually thinking of leaving Jayden for Vinnie and she just couldn't believe herself. And Vinnie knew exactly what he was doing when he sent Venus that picture.

He knew that Venus couldn't deny that he was attractive. So yes, Vinnie knows that there is still a little piece of Venus that liked him.

Vinnie felt as though Venus would leave Jayden for him, with no if's and's or but's about it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2022 ⏰

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