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IT WAS THIRD PERIOD, the class where they were presenting their project, keep in mind, none of his friends had this class.

Venus walked into class, and sat in her assigned seat. Her seat was right in front of Vinnie's assigned seat—but you already knew this.

As she sat down, Vinnie kept tapping her shoulder trying to gain her attention, but she ignored him.

"Good morning class, today is the day, your projects are due. So, when I call you guy's names, just come up and begin your presentation. You have 3 minutes," The teacher announced to the class of seniors.

Their teacher was calling most of the students up, until it was Venus and Vinnie's turn to present. "Vinnie and Venus, it's you guy's turn to present now," The teacher announced.

Venus felt that it was going to be weird going up to the front with Vinnie, since she had been ignoring him the whole time in class.

As they both got up, the two began walking to the front of the class,

As Venus began to present the project to her class, Vinnie started to tap on her lower arm repeatedly to get her attention.

Venus kept moving away from Vinnie's constant tapping,

"Venus are you okay?" The teacher asked, as she took notice to Venus' oddly movements.

"Yes, i'm fine. Thank you" Venus answered annoyingly, because Vinnie wouldn't budge. "Vinnie, can you stop touching me? please." Venus whispered—yelled at him, while rolling her eyes.

"Why are you ignoring me?" he questioned her.

"No reason, now can you fucking knock it off?" Venus slightly shouted.

"Vinnie and Venus, can you guys stop talking and go on with your presentation? I won't say this again. There is still other students who need to go up and present as well," The teacher said in annoyance.

Venus and Vinnie finally finished presenting their project. Soon after, the other half of the class presented. More time passed by, then thankfully the class was over.

As class ended, Venus stormed out and Vinnie followed behind her. "Venus, wait!" he said as he tried to catch up with her but she kept walking, well that was until he soon caught up to her pace and softly pulled her back by her arm.

"What Vincent?" Venus asked, as she was getting frustrated. "Wow, I'm Vincent now?" He asked. "Well, isn't that your name?" Venus questioned. "It is, but don't call me that, ew. Why were you ignoring me?" Vinnie asked.

"Are you dumb? What do you mean? You literally act like I'm a complete stranger when you're with your stupid ass friends, but when you're not around them, you talk to me. What the hell?" Venus asked, slightly upset.

"Venus, chill out. It's not even like that." Vinnie said. "No, it is like that. Why do you even act like that towards me? I haven't done shit but be nice to you," she asked. "I don't even know" Vinnie replied.

"Really Vinnie? That's literally all you have to say?" Venus asked, as she rolled her eyes again.

"Venus stop rolling your eyes, it's not good for you. Your eyes will get stuck up in that nugget ass head of yours," Vinnie said as he laughed.

"Vinnie I honestly don't give a single fuck, and fuck you for talking about my he-" Venus tried to finish her sentence, but Vinnie slightly pushed her head back playfully.

"You talk too much, damn."

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