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ONCE VENUS GOT HOME, she received a message from Vinnie,

Bad lil joint—Venus

Venus, now that I'm thinking
about it, I really don't appreciate
how you were acting with me today.
Like all the cursing and stuff,
so uncalled for.

Bad lil joint
bro I do not care

Jesus, when do you
ever care Venus? Like damn.

Bad lil joint

Bad lil joint
#nevacared 😎

Yk what, im
coming over there

Bad lil joint
forrr what? who said
that i wanted to see you?

I don't care

Bad lil joint


Venus honestly wasn't phased over the fact that Vinnie was coming to her house this time. She actually liked his company when he wasn't being a pain in the ass.

A few minutes go by, and suddenly there was a faint knock on Venus' front door, She looked through her peephole to see who it was.

It was Vinnie, Venus smiled as she opened her door to greet him. "Hey nugget head," Vinnie said to Venus. "Oh my god, please stop calling me that," Venus responded. "Nah, I'm good," Vinnie spoke out while walking through Venus' door.

"You're annoying, don't talk to me" Venus announced, before brushing past Vinnie to take a seat on her family couch. Vinnie followed behind Venus and sat next to her.

"Aww, is the big baby upset?" Vinnie cooed at Venus, while poking at her sides. "Don't touch me, leave me alone Vinnie" Venus pushed him away and got on her phone.

"Whatever man, learn to take a joke sometimes," Vinnie shook his head, and turned Venus' TV on—scrolling through the channel guide.

While Vinnie was busy doing that, Venus got a text from one of her friends from a while back—that she had knew for a long time.

Hey Venussss

hi jayden!

What's up? I missed you girl,
you haven't texted me in forever.

i knowww,
and i missed you too ):

So let's hang out today then

i can't today, i'm gonna
be busy all day :/

Damn, that sucks..
you must be chilling
with your boyfriend rn

whatt? a boyfriend?

I know you have
a boyfriend or something,
you don't have to lie

As Venus read that, she laughed, but maybe a little too loud—because Vinnie heard her and began staring at her.

"What nigga? What the hell you keep looking at me for?" Venus asked with an attitude-like tone. "What's so funny that got you laughing that damn loud?" Vinnie questioned, with a mean mug across his face.

"Why are you so worried about me and what I'm doing? Mind your damn business," shortly after Venus said that, her phone dinged again from another text message being sent to her.

"Oh," she thought to herself. But before she could view the message, Vinnie had already snatched Venus' phone out of her hand.

"Who the hell is Jayden?" Vinnie asked as he got up from the couch to look at Venus.

"None of your business Vince-" Venus tried to get out once more, but Vinnie cut her words short by talking over her.

"Didn't I tell you to stop calling me that?" Vinnie asked.

It went silent. Venus just staring at Vinnie and then, "Damn Venus, what the hell!!?" Venus kicked him.

"Don't cut me off then, that's so disrespectful," Venus voiced, while fake crying. "You're so dramatic," Vinnie playfully rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah, whatever. You should go home now, I'm exhausted and I need sleep," Venus announced.

"Why can't I just stay over here for the night?" Vinnie requested. "What? You think my parents are gonna let you stay over? You're tripping Vinnie," Venus added.

"I guess I'll go, but I'm only leaving because I want to, not because you told me or anything," Vinnie made clear, making Venus laugh. "Okay Vinnie, whatever you say"

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