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from several people on instagram. These people were mentioning that Vinnie had posted something about her on his spam.

USERNAME: look at what vinnie
said about you on his spam!!

USERNAME: pls look at this girl

And Venus kept receiving messages just like those. Venus put her phone on dnd because it was super early in the morning and her brain couldn't process any of that at the moment. Venus would just speak to Vinnie about it when she got to school,

Venus got ready for another draining day of school, once she was done with everything, she was on her way to school. When Venus arrived, she saw Vinnie, about to walk into their school.

"Vinnie," Venus called out, as he turned around and walked towards her. "What's up?" he questioned. "So, I keep receiving screenshots on instagram from the people in your spam, i'm guessing. They're saying that you were talking about me—mentioning that you liked me??? Is that true?" Venus asked him.

"Uh no, none of that is true. I wasn't talking about you. That post was for someone else," Vinnie said as he laughed, lying straight through his teeth.

"Oh...okay," Venus said in a confused-like manner, as she walked away.

"Shit," Vinnie whispered yelled to himself—wanting to tell Venus the truth, but he couldn't.

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