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AS SOON AS VINNIE had texted the girl, he got a text back from her within in seconds. "Oh," Vinnie said to himself.

bf 😍 — Vinnie

bf 😍

yes baby?

bf 😍
you should come over,
i'm in need of some company

i'm omw!

A little while after, Peyton had arrived at Vinnie's house. "Hey Vinnieee" Peyton greeted, dragging out the E. "Hey" Vinnie said back to her, in a low tone. "Come on, let's go upstairs," Vinnie said as he was leading Peyton up to his room.

When they got to his room, Vinnie and Peyton just sat there, doing absolutely nothing. Vinnie was laying back on his bed and Peyton was sitting in his gaming chair.

Vinnie constantly kept getting on his phone, scrolling through Snapchat stories — until he came across something that Venus had recently posted on her story,

It was a screenshot of Jayden telling Venus that he was coming over.

Reading that, pissed Vinnie off. He was upset again,

"If you were going to be on your phone the whole time, what was the point of inviting me over here?" Peyton questioned, she was annoyed that Vinnie wasn't paying her any type of attention.

Vinnie ignored her question.

Peyton then moved over to Vinnie's bed, sitting next to him, to see exactly what Vinnie was looking at. "Um who's Venus?" Peyton asked him. "It doesn't matter," Vinnie snapped back at her.

"Honestly, why the hell did you even invite me over here? All you do is get on your phone, do something productive for once" Peyton rolled her eyes, "I don't even know, but you need to leave, now. You're annoying me," Vinnie announced.

"Wow really? So now you want me to leave?" Peyton asked. "Yeah, leave. Did I stutter or something?" Vinnie asked with no emotion across his face.

"You're crazy, but okay. Don't hit me up when your ass gets 'bored' again," Peyton said as she quoted the bored and got up, beginning to leave. "Oh don't worry, I won't." Vinnie said back as he laughed.

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