Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

It's been a few days and I called my boss and told her I needed to take a few days. I'm sitting on the couch, nursing my coffee when there's a knock on the door. I open the door to see Juice standing there. I move to let him in and he heads to the kitchen. I follow him in there and he says "I brought you breakfast." I nod and sit at the table and still don't say anything. He looks at my cup of coffee and then to me and I say "Decaf. Doctor said it was okay to drink decaf." He nods and leans down and kisses the top of my head as he puts my food in front of me. "You didn't have to do this." I say as he sits down with his own. "Kid needs to eat." he says and I look down at my hand on my stomach. He looks down at my stomach too and smiles softly. Looking at me, he sees the sad look on my face. He stops eating and kneels in front of me. "Talk to me sweetheart." he says and I move to stand and he lets me. I pace the kitchen for a minute. "I don't know what I'm doing here Juice." I say. He just watches me, letting me get my thoughts together. "You know, when we were together, you were this sweet, loving guy and I loved you for that. You were so good to me and showed me all the time that you cared about me but I just needed more, you know?" I ask and he nods. "Then I break up with you and try to move on and then you become this aggressive, badass that makes me feel things I couldn't get enough of and I loved it. It was exactly what I wanted from you when we were together. But the more you talk about us getting back together and the more you tell me to tell you I love you, and I do, I'm so scared that you'll go back to being that sweet guy I love and I'll lose the aggressive Juice that makes me completely lose myself." I say. He stands up and pulls me to him and says "I was just scared that I would hurt you. But then when I actually did it...when I actually choked you, I got off on that shit too. Baby, I will always be that sweet, gentle guy you love but you're not going to lose this part of me either. I told you that you're mine because you are. You're mine Princess." he tells me. "Be mine?" he asks. I kiss him softly and whisper "Tell me you love me." He whispers against my lips "I love you Princess." before his lips touch mine softly.

When we part, he pulls me back to the table and says "Come on. My girl and my kid need to eat." We sit down to eat and he asks "What all do we need to get for the kid?" he asks. "I don't want to get anything yet." I say and he looks at me worried. I put my hand on his and say "I'm keeping it. But I don't want to get anything until I get past the first trimester." I tell him and he nods. "Can we at least make a list of what we need?" and I can see the anxiety starting to surface. "Yeah Juice. We can do better than that. We can go and start pricing things if that's what you want to do." I tell him and he smiles softly. "Thank you babe." he says and I just nod.

We finish eating and head out to look at furniture. We head into one of the stores and when we get out of my car, he walks over and laces his fingers with mine. He left his kutte at my house even though I told him he didn't have to. We are walking around and I have a notepad and pen and we are writing things down. "What about this one?" Juice asks as we look at a crib. I look at it and it's dark oak and I love it. I look at the price tag and say "Juice, it's too expensive. I can't afford this." I tell him. He pulls me close and says "I got it babe. It's my kid too." he tells me. "Juice..." I start to argue and he kisses me softly and moves to my ear "You let me get this one and I'll take you in the bathroom before we leave." he says and I look at him shocked. "Yeah...yeah...okay." I say and he smirks at me and I can feel my panties getting wet.

After we make it to the back of the store, he pulls me into the family bathroom and locks the door. He turns me to face the sink and whispers "You gotta be quiet." and I nod. I pull down my leggings and panties and he starts undoing his jeans. As he enters me, he covers my mouth as his thrusts get harder and faster. His hand slips from my mouth to my throat and pulls me back against him and he lightly squeezes my throat. "Come on baby. Cum on my cock. Show me who your pussy belongs to." he says and I feel myself fall apart around him and he finds his release behind me. As we get ourselves back together, he pulls me close and says "Tell me you love me." I smile and say "I love you Juan Carlos."

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