Becoming The Best You 🌻

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🌻 Stop living in fear

🌻 Trust your life direction

🌻 Go with the flow

🌻 Find yourself

🌻 Make sure your friends support you

🌻 Embrace your flaws

🌻 Write out your thoughts and goals

🌻 Get enough rest

🌻 Work on yourself in every aspect (mentally, physically, financially...)

🌻 Make sure you're drinking water and eating 3 meals a day

🌻 Get organized

🌻 Declutter your living space

🌻 Stop rushing your day

🌻 Read positive quotes

🌻 Spend time from your phone/social media from time to time

🌻 Spend less time in your room or in bed

🌻 Try to quit bad habits (smoking, swearing, biting your nails...)

🌻 Pick up new hobbies

🌻 Treat people well. Don't get revenge, that's karma's job

🌻 Tell yourself you're beautiful and strong

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