Things To Do (Thanks Covid19 🙄) 😴

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😴 Read a book

😴 Have a movie marathon

😴 Tidy (sorry peeps)

😴 Cook

😴 Go for a walk

😴 Draw

😴 Open your window and scream 'dAmN yOu CoRoNa ViRuS'

😴 Cough aggressively while your window is open

😴 Try on your clothes/put together new outfits

😴 Go for a walk

😴 Exercise

😴 Write a story

😴 Paint your nails

😴 Play video games

😴 Face time someone

😴 Take photos

😴 Try to become insta/tik tok famous

😴 Play with your pet

😴 Declutter your phone

😴 Sing

😴 Revise

😴 Declutter your makeup

😴 Learn a new language

😴 Email your teachers and annoy them 👍

😴 Watch Harry Potter

😴 Stalk your crush/Johnny Depp

😴 Ok serious one: because we're stuck at home, keep on top of your hydration (did that make sense?)

😴 Dance

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