Shot - 2

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Entering in mansion , Shivay directly look towards the usual spot where he always found Anika in sleepy state waiting for him , but today the spot was vacant , he don't know why? but he felt hurt , he just love making her eat in her sleepy state when according to her she was the one who supposed to make him eat , he love to pick her up in his arms and place her on bed like a child and heading towards his side not before pecking her for the first and last time in a day ..

"Where is She?" he wandered and head towards their room , Only to find complete mess there "hell  , I never knew she own this much clothes" he murmured before getting in room and reaching till bed with difficulty because her clothes were in piles everywhere. he reached till bed and quickly pushed cloths down from bed , Anika who was awake till now , quickly closed her eyes acting like she is sleeping . Without making a single noise , Shivay start cleaning the mess created by her and shaked his head not before murmuring "Such a child She is" he huffed when one hours passed and he was only able to set one fourth of her cloth "I don't remember Mr Mehta having Cloths boutique or him planning to own one" he sat tiringly on bed and listening him talking to himself a giggle escaped Anika's lips but she soon controlled herself and continued her drama ..

Shivay once again got up from bed and head towards the cloths on couch and start folding them , After folding only two cloths , he quickly came back and climbed on bed "I m tired" he murmured and push his upper body back and laid down taking support of headrest.

Guilt start welling up in Anika senses , In past six month She got to know many things about her husband and one of them is he don't have his food alone ever , She rolled on bed thinking about the idea that how to get up without making him feel that all i was doing drama second before, She frowned while thinking and Shivay who was staring her lovingly thought she was having a bad dream , he laid on bed and got closer to her , her heartbeat get wild and she start breathing heavily making Shivay more worried , he thought she is watching a nightmare and scotted more close to her and pulled her in his arms "beeep" Anika felt her heart going dead all of sudden and she even stopped breathing  . "hey" a worried Shivay shaked Anika lightly and she once again start breathing like a normal person making him sigh in relief , The thought of making him eat again crossed her mind and she fought with her own self to stay like this , when she for the first time felt herself in his arms , or woke up and feed him , her heart won who just selflessly told her to feed him first .

She dramatically rubbed her eyes , telling Shivay that she is waking up but he just patted her head lightly and scotted a little more close to her not wanting to lose this moment , he just don't know what always happen with him around her , One side he just don't want to do anything with her and other side at end of the day he always feel himself craving for her , sighing lightly he just pressed her one arm on her back and placed a kiss on her forehead making her breathing stop .. "I don't want to die" Anika thought in her mind and snuggled in nape of her neck , hiding her crimson cheeks from him ..

After 10 or 15 minutes , Shivay slowly drifted in sleep and Anika got out from his hold , She look towards watch and find that It's past 1 , She shaked her head in little anger but soon her anger vanished once her eyes fell on him , She always melt like butter on his innocence , She just don't know what magic this man did on her.

"I will make you eat first" She murmured and head towards kitchen , Instead of heating food She invested her whole 30 minute in kitchen and made food for him and head back in their room .

Her heart twisted when she was about to wake him up because he was sleeping like a child soundly as well as cutely  , Ignoring everything she shooked him lightly and he groaned .. "Shivay" She shaked him lightly again and this time he opened his eyes slowly ..
"Yup" he murmured , rubbing his eyes and sitting up , before he can say another word Anika forwarded morsel towards his mouth , he was about to deny but seeing the time and the delicious smell of food made him shut , not to forget the sad look in his wife eyes .

"You ate?" he asked knowing very well that the answer is No , But Anika didn't reply and continued feeding him like an angry mother.

"Anika?" he called her out gently and tried to place his hand on her shoulder but she glared him fiercely making him took his hand back and gulping hard.

"Why you care? you want me to go back in my father house na , So it shouldn't be your business that i ate or not?" she blabbered angrily and when he opened his mouth for replying she shoved morsel in his mouth and glared him angrily.

"And i told you this ?" he raised his brows and Anika frowned thinking about date and time

"Three months before  , on Sunday, when i was serving you your breakfast " She whispered and a smile broke on Shivay's face he shaked his head and continued eating without saying another word .. The food finished and Anika was about to leave when Shivay asked innocently "Did you only feed me two chapatis" he rubbed back of his neck and Anika's eye widened .

"That was six Shivay , more than your usual meal" She said and his eyes widened , he look down towards his stomach and whispered "Ohh"

"One more thing tomorrow you are not going to Office and I don't want you come late from office from now on" she said angrily and Shivay sighed ..

"Anika .. don't behave like typi...." he was about to say but stopped seeing her glare and whispered "Okay". "Atleast eat" he requested and she head out of room giving him deaf ear .

"Mrs Mehta , what you ate when she was in your womb" he murmured and head out from room , following her till kitchen like a sick lost person .


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