#Shøt 11

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"Dad, I will go with Shivay " Anika spoke sternly and tried to open the door but for her disappointment her father was quick to lock the door .

"He has left with nothing Anika , You will only suffer with him" Mr Mehta said in stern voice and waited for his daughter to oppose .

"I married to him dad not with his money" She replied with tears streaming down from her eyes as she get glimpse of his broken face in rear mirror "I don't give a  damm to money" She tried to open the door again and again but failed and finally let out a angry scream and turned towards her father angrily.

"All this is useless talk Anika and at last you are going to come to me for money , and I don't want you to suffer with him , just come home with me and let him take care of his own business"  Mr Mehta rolls his eyes seeing his daughter burning in anger but soon her angry face turned in puppy one , She made her best puppy eyes and sad pout , She stare her father with tears only for him to open the door of car .

"I promise , I will not come to you for money" She sobbed and held his palm in her both hands "I will not ask you for anything ever papa" Mr Mehta stare his daughter amusingly on the mention of papa because she used papa for him when she get genuinely hurt by something.  "I will not.... " her left hanged in mid as she start sobbing badly, She once again tried to open the door and fail , She glance her father defeatingly and cupped her face in her palm and start crying silently.

Mr Mehta quickly looked away and glanced towards Shivay through tear mirror , he waited for him to come and say the word he want to listen but when he noticed that he isn't even moving he sighed and waited for few more good minutes

"You will let him go Anika , if he today  let you come with me and silently walk away" Mr Mehta said with finality and stare Shivay jammed figure in rear mirror

"I will never ever let him go , no matter what happens dad " She said with determination and before Mr Mehta can reply , A loud tap on his window shield gained his attention .

"Sir , Please Sir just listen once" Shivay plead  tapping the window and Mr Mehta slided the glass down and raised his brows towards him .

"What?" he ask sternly  "Whatever you want to say , say quickly , I m a busy person" He showed some attitude much to Anika displeasure. 

"If you are this much busy then why you were arguing with me from past 10 minutes dad instead of driving us toward home" Anika spoke sternly faking anger towards Shivay , Mr Mehta turned his head towards his daughter and stare her surprisingly

"Umm .. you want to come home with me" Mr Mehta asked and placed his feet on gas paddle and rolled the key .

"Yup , I .. wa...want" She stammered and glance towards Shivay who was staring her back with tears and a pleading look "Don't look at me like this" She snapped on him and quickly unlocked the car's door but before she can get out Mr Mehta locked it back and smirked , Anika whinned like a k8d and hitted her feet against dashboard. 

"You say Shivay" Mr Mehta turned towards Shivay "Don't worry I will help you with your new business but only on one condition that you have to divorce my daughter" He tested Shivay and Shivay nodded negatively .

"Sorry Sir but i will prefer to have my Wife over any fucking business" he replied and a 440 volt smile captured Anika lips .

"Ohh come on Shivay , You can get married again but you will not get this much great offer" Mr Mehta still remained on his words not showing any softness and Shivay start getting frustrated from all this drama but being an innocent person he still thinks according to a father POV .

" Sir , I don't want your help , I can manage it" Shivay again plead but Mr Mehta shrugged .

"She doesn't want to come with you" Mr Mehta said and this time a look of defeat captured Shivay's face, his tongue got tied and he look towards Anika helplessly

"I was lying because i wanted his attention" Anika quickly retorted and start jumping on her seat and start kicking door .

"Let me go daddy" she plead with tears and Now Shivay Singh Oberoi was tired from seeing his wife tears , he never saw her this much vulnerable and sad as much as he saw het in last four to five hours .

"Dammm!" he kicked the car door angrily and Mr Mehta turned towards him with a suprise look "She wants to come with me , I want to take her with me then why the hell you aren't listening us sir , I m his damm husband I have right over her" he shouted for the first time for his ownself "Just open the door dammit" He kicked the door once again and Mr Mehta smiled before unlocking the door , Anika was quick to flew away She ran towards Shivay and threw herself on him taking him by suprise , Shivay was too quick to respond , he hugged her back tightly and kissed her hair , realisation dawned upon him and his eyes widened in fear "Ohh shit!" he murmured and glance towards Mr Mehta who was smiling like a love sick puppy .

"Did he got hurt in his head in the mansion during fight " he thought placing a Kiss on Anika's hair and glancing Mr Mehta confusingly ...


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