#Shøt 14

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"Shivay , Anika" Mr Mehta's eyes widened when they fell on the entrance of door , he faked a smile and shaked his head before making his way towards them "What are you both doing on door , Come get inside" He tried to sound normal but he failed to hide the hurt caused by his wife , he look towards Anika and his wife's word encoached in his ear but he shrugged his shoulder and passed a warm smile towards them ..

Shivay tried to smile back but failed , he again tried to fake a smile but his expression and the hurt which flashed in his eyes betrayed him, Anika wrapped her both hands around Shivay's right hand and he smiled a genuine one seeing her face "I m with you " She whispered and give him a side hug , Mrs Mehta twisted her mouth before making her way towards them "Let's go Anika" she pulled Anika harshly towards herself making her stumble and fall in the process .

"Anika" Shivay breathed and quickly went on her side for giving her support but before he can touch her Mrs Mehta held her palm towards him and shaked negatively "Stay away from my daughter " She sounded stern and his face paled , he tried to hide his hurt and pain but failed ,he look towards his Anika with pain and her heart clenched seeing her Shivay this much vulnerable for her .

"Mom" Anika stare her mother with tears and snatched her hand back making her mother shock "Not anymore , You insulted him enough" She whispered sternly and her eyes blazed fire Shocking Mrs Mehta , it doesn't take Mrs Mehta long to realise that the girl at front of her is his wife not her daughter .

"Anika?" Mrs Mehta look towards her daughter with hurt but Anika turned her face away and stare towards her Shivay , Shivay shaked his head negatively and tell her through his eyes to not behave like this .

Her eyes shined with tears and she was quick to throw herself on him and wrapped her arms around his neck , sobbing badly , She was hurt from her mother act and stuck between her mother and husband , She felt her husband need her and also her mother is wrong so She clinged on Shivay more giving her family a silent message to not try to separate her from her husband .

"Anika It's not a movie , It's real life , You will not be able to cope up with situation , You never faced that" Her mother Said sternly and Anika rolled her eyes angrily before foccusing her gaze .

"Mom , I am the root of his misery so first of all stop blaming him for the things he lost because of me, if he would not had gone against his family for saving my image then he would have his CEO position " Anika shouted angrily but before she can speak more Shivay held her hand and glared her angrily "You are not going to disrespect your mom just because she is worry for your future" he gritted his teeth angrily and showed her his eyes , Anika bent her eyes down with tears and Mr Mehta stare his daughter amusingly because she doesn't retort back to her husband and accepted her mistake .

"I am really sorry mam" Shivay whispered and stare Mrs Mehta for a minute before placing Anika's palm in her palms "You are my Anika's mother and I will respect your decision , I need a little time and I will built every thing back which i had once" he said confidently and Anika stared Shivay angrily with tears ..

"You are not suppose to take decision of my life Shivay Singh Oberoi" Anika shouted angrily and snatched her hand from her mother's hand " You just care about others but you don't give me a damm, Do whatever you want because i am not going to run behind you anymore" She controlled her tears and turned her back towards him and ran towards her room leaving him on his own with tears .

Mrs Mehta stares Shivay with a smile and Mr Mehta glared his wife angrily for the drama she created a minute before "Ohh my gosh!" Mrs Mehta squealed before hugging Shivay tightly , shocking both Mr Mehta and Shivay "Oh my gosh ! oh my gosh! You choosed a gem Karan" Mrs Mehta jumped and hugged her husband breaking her hug with Shivay..

"Divya?" Mr Mehta raised his brows demanding an explanation and she pouted like her daughter melting her husband's as well as Son_in_law's heart "I was just testing " She stammered and sneak glance towards Shivay who was staring her like she had grown horns "I was just trying to know how much my Anika is up for her decision about supporting Shivay" She pouted and passed a sorry smile towards Shivay who smiled back with confusion.

"What's wrong with this family" his mind said angrily "Why they are hell adamant on separating me from my Anika" his heart cried and his eyes wandered in living room for a glance of his wife "We are not going to let you live here for a single day" his heart and mind said simultaneously and Shivay nodded.

"I am not going to live here not even for a day" Shivay muttered under his breathe but for his misfortune Mr and Mrs Mehta both heard it and Mrs Mehta hanged her head down sadly .

"Shivay?" Mr Mehta calls him and tries to know his inner battle .

"hihihi" he laughed and cried at same time and Mr Mehta pointed towards a room upstairs and signed him to go..

"hihihi" Mr Mehta laughed nervously and Mrs Mehta gave him her best puppy eyes and pointed towards Anika room ..

"hihihi" Shivay's eyes welled up with tears and he shaked his head negatively and Start heading out from mansion "I don't want to die , hihihihi" He whispered , Mr and Mrs Mehta glared him faking anger and dragged him towards Anika's room forcibly, He shaked his head negatively and passed them a smile "hihihi" and wiggled in their grip but they both don't pay any heed to his puppy eyes and pushed him in Anika room .

Shivay stumbled on his feet and fell straight on Anika's feet , Anika glared him angrily and he raised his head "hihihi" he laughed and cried at same time and hitted his head on floor thrice ..


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