#Shot 7

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#Read a message at last of chappy ♥️
"Calm down please" Shivay said innocently  and waited for Anika to relax "Everything will be fine " he whispered and Anika scotted close to him , She hided her face in his chest and forced his arms to get wrapped around her . "I don't know why but this uneasiness isn't going away" She whispered with tears and stare straight in his eyes , Shivay cupped her right cheeks in his palm and placed an innocent kiss on her forehead , Anika sighed in content before leaning close to him , her heart raced wildly against her ribcage and She finally smiled when she saw their reflection in mirror , She stared their reflection for more than a minute and noticed the tension line on his forehead and frown on his face , he tightened his hold on her little more and kissed her hairs once again , Anika wrapped her hands against his waist and placed a kiss over his chest .

"Shiv , You should go office" She whispered and Shivay look towards his watch and realised that he is an hour late .

"Hmm , But Are you Okay?" he whispered and caressed her hair , Anika raised her head and found many emotions swirling in his eyes , She nodded positively before placing a kiss over his chest and hugged him tightly , they don't exchange a single word after that but their action spoke louder , Shivay smiled lightly before cupping her face in his palms and pulling her close a little , he placed one more innocent kiss on her forehead and got up from bed "When will you back?" She asked like a kid , jumping down from bed and holding his arms "Till 10 for sure" he replied and noticed the disappointment on her face but said nothing , Anika too didn't reacted and placed a kiss on his cheeks before bidding him byee .

Om was eagerly waiting for Shivay to go and once Shivay left the mansion , he quickly dialled few numbers and after having little conversation , he headed towards Anika room and knocked like a gentle man .

"What are you doing here Omkara Singh Oberoi" Anika asked sternly raising her brows.

"I am here for Your forgiveness bhabhi , I should not forget my limits , I am really ashamed on my act I seriously don't know what get in my mind at that time" He said , battling his eyelashes innocently for adding more effects on his word.

"You should be ashamed" Anika said sternly "And it's my first and last warning to you to not repeat it ever again" She didn't even believed a word said by Om but decided to not behave rude and take things calmly .

"I am really Sorry bhabhi" He said once again and Anika nodded "it's okay " .

"Thank you bhabhi , You are best" he smirked and Anika passed him an uncomfortable smile , Om left the room and head back straight to his room , As soon as he get inside his room he broke in fits of laughter and stare his fiancee who was laying on bed in nothing except her under garments , he jumped on her body and they both start their wild fucking process , After satisfying each other need they both lay down beside each other , Gauri traced her finger on his chest and bitted his nipple "Stop it idiot" he pulled her away from her hair making her winch in pain "Now listen to me carefully and do the remaining  work" he said and unfolded his plan , Gauri smirked and nodded positively agreeing with his dirty mind set .

"Bhabhi Coffee" Gauri placed a mug of coffee on Anika's side table and Anika stopped working and stare Gauri with doubts .

"I don't remember saying you to make coffee for me" Anika stare Gauri suspiciously but Gauri was more smart and quick , She start shedding her crocodiles tears confusing Anika more "I saw what Om did in morning bhabhi?" She weeped and Anika raised her brows "I don't even know how to ask sorry from you , I am ashamed of his act but it's in his habbit he kept doing this all time , I caught him red handed few times with maids" She made up a fake story and Anika's suspicion stare turned in concern one , She placed a hand over Gauri shoulder "You should consult him and take actions Gauri , You are going to be his wife " She said and start sipping coffee unknowingly .

"Yup , I m not going to bear this anymore " Gauri wiped her tears quickly and ran away from room not before whispering a Thank you to Anika .

Anika felt dizziness but decided to follow Gauri and stopping her to do anything wrong but fell down straight on corridor , She look her blur surrounding before everything turned black .

"How she got out of room?" Om gritted his teeth and Gauri shrugged her shoulder. "Now it's your turn" Gauri Said and third person who was standing with them silently till now nodded his head and head towards Anika , he picked her body in arms and get inside the room , he left the door open a little and undressed himself only in boxer and removing Anika's Saree before getting in blanket with her .

"Bhaiya , Please come back home soon , Bhabhi is no where to be found" Gauri cried over phone and Shivay's heartbeat fastened he left his all works pending and ran out of Office , he get in his car and quickly drove towards his mansion .

He head towards his room and opened the door with band but the scene at front of him made him numb , he stood on entrance in numb state seeing his wife lying on bed with a man who is little more undressed than his wife , his lips trembled he remembered their morning moments and his eyes teared up, his heart ached and his feet turned numb not moving from the spot . Before he can get chance to collect himself , media stormed inside the room and start clicking picture of Anika and Shivay left from their with a heartbroken face and numb mind 💔.



TARGET - 300+ Votes ♥️ (If you guys want update as soon as possible else i will update on my own after 4 days♥️)


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