#Shøt 23

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Sun rays get inside the room through curtains and fell straight on Anika's face , She groaned before hitting Shivay's chest and waking him up

"mmmmmmhhhh Shiv , close the curtain pleass" She murmured and get inside the blanket .

"Sleep Anika" Shivay patted her head for few seconds before falling back in slumber , They both hided themself inside the blanket for getting away from Sun rays.


Shivay's phone ringed disturbing their sleep , he reached for phone from one hand and groaned when his hand catches air instead of phone .

"Idiot" Anika who was awake now and staring her innocent husband from past few minutes murmured and reached for phone , She picked the phone and pass to Shivay to pick the call

"Hello" He response in his panty dropping tone and took hold of Anika's palm , he bought her palm close to her lips and pecked her knuckles making her smile , He opens his eyes lightly and smiled seeing her face but as soon as her eyes travelled down to her body He pouted seeing her dressed .

"No , I will not be in office today" He smirked looking towards Anika who raised her brows in questioning way , he placed her hand in his hair and sign him to ruffle them and play with them , With a little smile still tugged on Anika's lips , Anika kissed his forehead and start playing with his hairs , His eyes start dropping again and She smiled seeing him falling back in sleep .

"Postpone all the meetings" His panty dropping voice turned in sweetest voice as he murmured few more words before snuggling in Anika's chest and falling back in sleep , Anika placed his phone aside and showered few kisses on his forehead , cheeks and eyes before leaving him alone in bed and heading towards shower .

Her lower area stings when she tried to stand and walk , She smiled remembering their last night and with a blush making it's way on her face she made her own way in shower and took a hot fresh shower , She get dressed in black Saree with golden blouse and for the first time she wear Vermilion too with her nuptial chain, The feelings of being complete made her more happy, The flashes of last night made her blush in each few minutes and she always ends shooking her head on her silly thoughts .

She was engrossed in her thoughts and kitchen and suddenly two hands get wrapped around her waist and picked her up in arms making her squeal .

"Shiv" Anika protested but Shivay made her sit on Island and placed his finger on her lips for silencing her , Anika raised her brows in confusion and Shivay removed her apron and wore it making her eyes widened.

"No , I can do it" She pouted and was about to jump down from Island but before that Shivay held her on place and placed his lips on her taking her by suprise , They shared a beautifull and passionate kiss and Anika sighed in pleasure , wrapped her both arms around him .

"I know you can my little nymph" He pecked her lips once again "But i want to do it" he kissed her cheeks and tried to toast bread but burned them , he tried to make coffee but ended up on spilling water and milk , he passed an apologetic look to Anika and she shrugged with a pout .

"let's grab breakfast somewhere outside" He pouted rubbing back of his neck and Anika burst in laughter before pulling him to her and smooching his lower lips lovingly..

"Awwww" She kissed his both cheeks AND Shivay blushed making her laugh .

"Now you sit here and give me five minutes to clear this mes and five minute to make breakfast" She pecked his cheeks and without a single word of protest Shivay made himself comfortable on  Island and Anika start clearing his mess,She quickly toasted few breads for them and made two cups of coffee and served it in two different mugs .

Shivay stare her with full of concentration and learned to toast bread and make coffee , He smiled happily when he saw their breakfast ready

"It was fast" he complimented and Anika raised her imaginary collar before sitting beside him on island , She passed him a mug of coffee and few breads , Soon they start munching bread and sipping coffee ..


The clock strikes 2 at the noon and Anika pouted seeing her husband working , She sat on his leg side and continued stare him , Shivay too pass glances towards her time to time with his heart melting smile and Focussed on his work too , Twenty more minutes passed away and now Anika's pout turn more puppy like , She placed her head on his thighs and half laid on his legs , Now Shivay's one hand was playing with her hairs and his another hand was playing with keyboard of laptop , Ten more minutes passed and Anika start frowning, She slided little upward and placed her head on his chest and snuggled in his chest ,Shivay wrapped his one arm around her and attended his work simultaneously, Now finally Anika had enough, She pouted sadly and snuggled in his neck without any word , Shivay quickly closed his laptop and pushed his work away before wrapping both hand around her and hugging her tightly .

He made her look in his eyes and brushed his lips against her "My Cutee nymph" .


So ....

The story is going to touch it end soon , I will miss you âll guys and your support .

Thanks allot for making the journey of Innocent this much awesome ♥️❤

I am glad you guys liked the book.

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