#Shøt 18

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Shivay's eyes flunged open as soon as the hour needle touched 5 , nowdays he got a habbit to sleep at 12 in night and woke up at 5 for working his ass off again, his eyes stayed on face of his beautifull wife who was clinging on him like her life depends on him , her lips were parted and she was breathing through her mouth and that's when Shivay found his wife catches cold and facing trouble to breathe through nose .

Instead of leaving the bed and getting ready for his office as he usually do he choosed to stay with her on bed but he get down from bed and grabbed his laptop and charger before getting back in duvet joining back his wife . He made her keep her head on his chest and held her close to herself for few minutes before making her comfortable on bed and focussing back on his work.

Once the clock hitted 7 he got down from bed and head towards kitchen for making breakfast. Anika opened her eyes and as soon as her eyes fell on clock she closed her eyes tightly in guilt "Only if i would got up an hour before" tears clouded her vision and soon made their own ways down her cheeks , Anika dugged her face in pillow and cried for few minutes before covering herself back from duvet and waiting for slumber to once again overtake her senses , her eyes start getting heavy but before she can fell in deep slumber the door of the room opened and aroma of delicious food hitted her nostrils awaking her senses and hunger .

"Fwoood" She murmured in her sleepy state and A smile broke on Shivay's lips , he placed the breakfast on side table before leaning down and placing kiss on her forehead , Her eyes flied open and as soon as her chocolaty brown eyes met with his ocean blue ones they brimmed with happy tears , it doesn't took her long to threw her both arms around him and hug him tightly ..

"Slow down my tigress" Shivay whispered in her ears and she shaked her head negatively before placing a sweet kiss on the junction of his shoulder and neck "I missed you" unwantedly her voice broke during confession and Shivay hugged her back more tightly .

"anche tu mi sei mancato" Shivay whispered back in Anika's ear in Ittalian language , Anika frowned and pushed him away a little .

"Ohhh my gawddd" Anika's eyes widened and she grinned like a small child who got her favourite candy "I want you talk in this language , It's just ...sounded blush...blush...  too much sexy" She blushed looking here and there and Shivay smiled before making him look in his eyes .

"lo vuoi davvero" (Do you really want this?) Shivay asked and Anika pouted not understanding a single word , She bitted her lower lips and  let her teeth sunk on her lips for few minute before shrugging her shoulder , Suddenly her face lighted as she remembered one Ittalian word and She said "It's really sound good cara" She look straight in his eyes and Shivay smiled realising that his wife didn't get a word said by him.

"Amore (love)"  he bitted her ear making her moan and closed her eyes tightly as it was getting hard for Anika to control herself .

"Shiv" She moaned and clutched his shirt tightly in her fist and stare straight in his eyes before leaning towards his lips slowly and kissing him passionately  , Her one hand clutch his shirt tightly in fist and other roamed in his dark hairs , Shivay submitted at front of his wife and enjoyed the kiss ..

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