Shøt - 5

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"Now what will I do all day?" Asked Shivay as soon as their emotional break down enviroment turned normal "You can stare your beautiful wife all day" Replied Anika hiding her smirk and pulling an innocent look .
"hahahaha not funny" Shivay twisted his lips like kid and turn on his phone turning away from Anika.

"Let's go for shopping" Anika shouted all of sudden and Shivay jumped on his place , his phone fell down from his hand and he stare her with pleading eyes , not wanting to go for shopping .

"You will not come?" Asked Anika raising her brows and getting down from bed , She picked neaby vase and stare Shivay raising her brows , Shivay first look towards her with best puppy eyes but when he notice her frowning deeping more , he sighed and climbed down from bed .

Anika placed the vase back on it place and jumped in happiness , hurting herself once more , Shivay quickly pulled her to him and check her feet before exhaling and giving her "Are-You-seriously-crazy" look , whom Anika ignored royally .

In next half an hour they both left for Shopping , Anika was all happy and excited on her way to mall and Shivay was just smilling lightly seeing her happiness , He didn't realised but in each passing day Anika was covering more and more part of his heart.

"See , How cute that baby dress is" Anika Said pointing towards a baby dress and Shivay smiled imagining a little baby wearing that dress .

"See that socks" Anika pointed towards a little baby socks and again went in her "awww" mode .

"Anika for the last time please tell me what are we doing here?" Shivay asked and Anika smirked before pointing towards a lady , who was holding a little six month old child in her arms .

"Is She your friend?" Asked Shivay and straightened his tie , he prepare himself for greeting that lady .

"No" Anika replied before making her way towards the lady , she waved her hand towards the little baby whose was facing Anika.

"What is she Up to?" Asked Shivay to himself and his innocent mind shrugged telling him that he himself is blank in case of her.

"Awww! We too will have a cutee baby like this in someday" Said Anika caressing her stomach and Shivay's eyes popped out from socket , he rubbed his hear for clearing his eardrums and went close to Anika , The lady turned back facing Anika and Shivay feared for worst, he seriously don't want his wife to get slap from a lady in a store.

"Hey" the lady smiled and Anika too greeted back but her all attention was on baby , who again turned towards Anika and passed her his best toothless smile .

"Awwww, how cutee he is" Anika rubbed her nose against baby and Baby giggled , his mother too smiled and forwarded baby towards Anika , who took baby from her arms and start talking with baby in babish language.

"How month?" Asked the lady And Anika raised her brows , forgetting her own lie .

"What?" Anika asked and Lady smiled uncomfortably "Baby?" she asked again and Anika went on thinking mode .

"It's two month" "It's three month" Shivay and Anika replied simultaneously and gulped , The lady stare them weirdly and was about to took her baby back but before that Anika passed baby to Shivay and glared him angrily .

"There is no need to tell everyone how deattached you are from me and Baby Darling?" She faked sad expression and Shivay stare her , Not knowing what to say .

"It's two month " She said and start shedding crocodile tears " I know you don't love me anymore , but atleast don't insult my feelings at front of others" she faked crying more and more and Soon the lady wrapped her arms around Anika and consoled her , She threw glare towards Shivay and muttered "Man will be Man" unse her breathe and Shivay turned away from lady hiding his face "When you have wife like this then you can't except anything else" He muttered under his breathe and cane out from his thoughts by baby giggle , he look towards baby and his eyes softened , he caressed baby's cheeks from thumb and placed a kiss on his cheeks , his heart swelled with happiness seeing smile on the face of little one and his mind imagined the fatherhood, he imagined Anika with baby bump and a wide smile spreaded on his lips .

"What is the name of this good boy?" he asked like baby will reply , Baby did his  gagagag and bounced up and down in his arms , he held Shivay's hairs in his little palm and pulled his hairs bouncing up and down , Shivay placed sloppy kisses on baby's face one by one and start playing with little one unknown from his surrounding .

"Don't worry , he will be a great father " the lady who introduced herself as Mallika said and Anika nodded before buying the socks and cloth she liked .

"It's for him from my side" Anika gave the dress and socks to Mallika who first said no but after a lott request from Anika , She accepted,  they changed contact numbers and decided to be in contact as Mallika want to give few pregnancy tips to Anika. 

Soon Mallika and Anika head back towards Shivay and Mallika took her baby boy from Shivay who pouted like a kid and placed one more kiss on baby cheeks and handed him back to his mother .

"will see you soon hero" Shivay ruffled baby's little hair and baby bounced happily in his mother arms , Once Mallika left Shivay kept staring towards baby , Anika placed her palms on his shoulder and he tored his stare from baby and look towards his lady , For the first time his eyes held desire for his lady  .

"From where you got to know i love babies?" he asked with little smile and Anika passed her best toothy smile before whispering "Magic".

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