#Shot 22

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Shivay was driving the car and stealing glances towards his wife who was lost in deep thoughts , Her eyes were teary and she was looking outside the window .

"Anika" Shivay tried to initiate the conversation nth time but She ignore again making him sigh in defeat "Anika" he called her once again but recieved silence in response , tears slided down from her eyes making it way down from her cheeks and Shivay putted an instant break and turned towards his wife .

"Anika look at me" He ordered and made her face him forcibly , his eyes softened seeing her crying and he quickly took her in warm hug , he caressed her back and hair trying to make her normal but she was far away from being normal she held her shirt tightly in his grip and start crying making his heart pause for few seconds before getting back in their rhyme .

"Hey! Stop crying" Shivay whispered in her ear and continued caressing her hair and she kept crying .

"I am sorry Shiv" She sobbed in his chest and he pulled her apart and stare straight in her eyes "Why are you sorry?" he asked raising his brows and Anika hiccups before speaking "You told me that you don't want to marry me but still I said yes for our marriage" A frown made it's way on Shivay's face as Shivay stare her confusingly , he wanted to ask from her that from where it came all of sudden but decided to kept mum and listen her "From the time i entered in your life i destroyed the peace of your life , I snatched away the little family you had ,I stayed with you against your will and today's drama is also happens because of me , I am responsible for all this, You don't even love me " She sobbed and Shivay made her get rid from her seat belt and pulled her in his lap making her straddle him , He wiped away her tears and nodded negatively , he made her look straight in his eyes .

"I agree I didn't want to marry you but if i knew it before that you are my this Anika ,I would had begged to you to marry me" He kissed her left eyes and Anika stare him with tears and sobbing lightly "I agree that you destroyed my peace but in a good way Anika , That peace started to suffocate me , kill me " Her pecked her right eye and pulled her head against his chest and look down towards her face "You are the reason which make me take stand at front of them I used to bow , I was under their favour and used to think that my parents are responsible for everything , You made me think that they are bad not my late parents" he pecked her forehead and she closed her eyes "YOU are not the reason of today's drama wifey it's all their fault and today i will show you how much i love you" he whispered and took her red lips in a passionate kiss , His tongue dominate in her mouth and Anika submitted with her eyes closed , hands around his neck and legs straddling him .

She get aroused from the way Shivay kept kissing her mouth and She moaned in his mouth in pleasure ,His one and opened the pin of her sarree and slided the pallu down before kissing her on her shoulder and neck, his lips were all over her neck and shoulder and Anika was moaning because of pleasure, Shivay pressed her back making her lay on steering wheel and kissed open area of her cleavage before the horn of their car rang loudly making them realise the place they were , Shivay controlled himself and pulled Anika back but instead of going back in Passenger seat Anika hugged him tightly and Shivay tied the seat belt around them and start driving slowly ,Once they reached inside the gate , he parked his car on side and opened his side of door , Picked Anika in his arms and headed inside their small home , Anika's eyes were closed and she placed her head on his chest making him smile , Shivay directly made his way inside their room and placed her on bed before hovering her , he kissed her forehead followed by her eyes , cheeks and lips , They once again lost themselves in passionate kiss and soon they were out of their cloth ,Shivay look towards Anika for approval and Anika nodded shyly with a smile on her lips , The whole night they made love and Shivay kept telling her that how much he love her ❤

Around four in the morning , They both were laying in each other arms and staring straight in each other eyes

"I love you" Anika's voice cracked as She was in tears because of the overwhelming feeling

"Let me show you again how much i love you" Shivay whispered before hovering her once again .


I seriously want you all try my new story , I m writting something different for the first time , Also you guys can tell your opinion if you will not like the plot then I will stop writting that story in watty and will write on any other app .

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