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After Six Months ..

After the long tiring day in Oberoi Industry , the only thing Shivay wanted to do is hit his bed , He get down from driving seat and made his way inside his villa. As soon as he set his foot inside the living room , his eyes fell on his wife who was sleeping on couch as usual waiting for him ,An automatic smile captured his lips as he remembered the initial days of their marriage when he used to be distant from her but loved to see her waiting for him , he smiled making his way towards her and picked her up in his arms .

He  was about to make his way towards their room but stopped listening a stern voice .

"Stop there , Where do you think you are going?" he turned back only to met with Mrs Mehta furious eyes , he made his best puppy face and look towards his mother in law with guilt "Mom ...." his words hanged in mid by one stern glare from her .

"Place her back on couch" She ordered and Shivay obeyed ,as soon as he placed his wife on couch , A strong palm clapped against his head and he groaned .

"Dadd" he whinned and recieved another clap on his head "First one was for coming late , Second one for starving me bcoz your mom don't like to eat without you" Mr Mehta said and clapped once again against his head "This one for making this bad habbit as your habbit" Shivay pouted , He really love his Mother and Father in law allot but they never left a single stone unturned to scold him for his mistake and also as a bonus his father in law learned a new habbit of slapping him on his head making him feel more like a child when he himself is about to have one .

"Now wake that stubborn wife of yours and feed her" Mrs Mehta ordered and start arranging table ,Shivay shook Anika lightly ,good enough for her to be in semiconscious state then picked her up and bought her towards dinning area , He pulled his chair away from dinning table and sat down with his wife on his lap .

"Stop your PDA and wake her up" Mr Mehta groaned seeing his son in law act "I am fucking dad here" He whined like a child when Shivay ignored him and placed a kiss on top of her head and caressed her six month old bump .

"Dad , Don't talk loud ,She will wake up" Shivay whispered glaring his father in law , Everything changed in past few year except his jealousy towards his father in law when he grab more attention from Anika "And Dad ,You feed mom like a good husband " He twisted his mouth before placing another kiss on Anika's forehead,The moment , uncomfortable position and noise startled Anika , She blinked before opening her eyes completely .

"Shiv" She murmured and placed her palm on his cheeks with a smile , Her smile reflected on his lips as he placed one more kiss on Anika's forehead making her close her eyes in content .

"Shivay Singh Oberoi" Mr Mehta said sternly but Shivay is less to care of any of his threat sound or voice .

"See Dad , You enjoy with Yours and let me enjoy with mine" He said staring straight in his father in law eyes who whinned again .

"Stop it" Mrs Mehta whispered in her husband ear "Else you will sleep on couch for a week and No touching will be allow " She threatened her husband and Mr Mehta's eyes widened , A smirk made his way on Shivay's face as he raised his brows towards his father in law and continued pampering his own wife .

After another happy dinner , Everyone retorted back to their room .
Shivay quickly changed himself in Kurta Pajama and joined his wife who was tossing and turning on bed

"What's wrong?" he asked scotting closer to her and pulling her against his chest

"I don't know , baby is being uncomfortable " She whispered placing her palm against her swollen bump , Shivay stare her worringly before placing his palm against her tummy and pushing it lightly , he waited for his babies to respond but they didn't . he frowned because it was first time when babies aren't responding to his push ,Whenever he and Mr Mehta pushed Anika's bump babies always kicked back .

He was about to push again but a knock interrupted them , he opened the door only to find Mr Mehta looking towards him with guilt

"Sorry to disturb you son" He rubbed back of his neck as he made his way inside the room "I came back to say good night to my grandchildren " He whispered like a guilty child who just caught red handed during stealing candy.

"Dad ,They are not kicking back" Shivay said with tension and Mr Mehta frowned before pushing Anika's tummy ,his frowned deepened when he doesn't felt baby response. 

"What's wrong kiddos" Mr Mehta whispered before caressing Anika's large tummy and Shivay's palm joined him , they both caressed her tummy and Anika too placed her palm over their as tears start threating to fall.

When she was about to cry babies kicked together making her burst in tears and Mr Mehta and Shivay smile, They both hugged each other in relief and then pulled Anika in hug too , They consoled her before placing kiss on her forehead and apologising from babies for being late .

"They were just angry from us" Mr Mehta said sincerely like he is discussing most important topic .

"Yup ,I will be back on time from tomorrow , it's because of me we both don't get time to play with them" saud Shivay and once again pushed Anika tummy and baby kicked , The baby kicked everytime he and Mr Mehta pushed her tummy ,They kept talking and playing with unborn that they weren't realise when Anika fell in slumber due to tiredness .

"I should leave now" Mr Mehta placed a kiss on his daughter forehead and left toward his room  giving them privacy .

Shivay kept playing with the unborn and finally instead of pushing he started caressing the babies turned silent before he stopped feeling kicks or any other movement in return , He placed kiss on Anika's lips and pulled her against his chest .

"I love you "
He whispered before sleep overtook him .


Readers of "The Hidden beauty" Sorry for not updating on time guys , I am really busy with college and all other stuffs .

I will update as soon as I will be free ❤

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