To lead to salvation

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The first thing they heard was a noise like a hurricane coming towards them from the south east. The dry grass under their horses hooves seemed to dry out even more. The voice that then followed however, was one they all knew. "Eomér!" The man looks around in confusion and wonder. "Theodred?!", he calls out, when suddenly he hears one of his men shout out. The earth quakes and the horses freeze in terror as the massive beast lands before them. Larger than the golden hall itself. "Eomér!" Off the beasts back slides his cousin with a grin. Eomér barely believes his eyes but then quickly dismounts his steed and hurries over to the man, embracing him with his strong arms. "Theodred! How.. You were dying!" "He did die." Gandalf, the grey wizard, now cloaked in white rides up to them on Shadowfax. One of the mearas and the once pride and glory of  Eomérs uncle.
"How is he here then?" "He is here because of a woman more beast than woman.", Gandalf says and the dragon turns to look at them. Those eyes. Eomér would recognize those eyes everywhere. "Mother Rúnya?" "Hello, my son.", the dragoness says and lifts up her neck to sit more comfortably. "How? What are you?" "She is the dragonblood the tales of the rings were about. And with the help of the ring on her hand she brought Prince Theodred back from the dead." "I needed to stop you before you'd travel further. My home, Eomér, is with a pack of 79 dragons, even larger than me and much more hostile. They would have killed you if you came too close without me. I would have ridden my horse otherwise but since time was dire I decided to fly instead." "Father has recovered from Sarumans control. If you'd like to return, you'd be most welcome." "They are fleeing to Helms deep. I can smell them. But there is war coming. The army of Isengard has started to march upon the stronghold. Ten thousand if not more. Bred to destroy the world of men. I will fly there. I do not tell you to come with us. But it would be greatly appreciated.", Rúnyas words are enough to make the blonde man saddle up his horse. "Gandalf. Ride ahead. And Mother Rúnya... Carry my cousin with care." The dragoness snickers. "Do not worry for him. He is perfectly safe on my back. To war then." "To war!" They ride ahead and Theodred climbs back onto the woman's back. "Lets kill some orcs.", he grins. She chuckles. "As long as you stay safe on my back." Then she lifts into the air, soaring in the sky over the 2000 men strong troupe.

They were tired. Exhausted. Covered in grime and only few men remained standing when they heard the gutteral screech and the warcry of the Rohirrim. The large dragoness shoots down from the sky and her chest lights up with fire. The first row of Uruks perish in the deadly fires, allowing the brave men to ride down into the mass without any losses. And while the creatures screech in confusion and the men give out victory cries the large fire serpent sets fire to the remaining tainted creatures until the field is filled with smoke and not one left alive. The dragoness lands and laughs as Theodred jumps off her back. "That was amazing, Rúnya. I've never felt so powerful!" "Riding a dragon is a bit different to riding a mare or even a warg. Isn't it?" "Have you tried it as well?" "My most trusted companion of my pride, Uiros, who helped me burn out the blue in my eye, has allowed me to ride on his back many times.", she chuckles and before the very eyes of the men she shrinks and shrinks and returns to being but a normal looking elvish woman. The ring of power on her hand. "Finally." Eomér hurries over to her and lifts her up, twirling the woman and placing kisses on her face. "Thank the gods for you, you wondrous woman." She laughs and embraces the man lovingly, her fingers burying themselves in his blonde hair as she holds him like a mother would. "Thank the stars and moon for blessing me by running into three little children all those years ago."

With caring hands the woman embraces Eowyn who practically shoots out of the caves and holds her to her chest. "You are well. Thank the stars.", Rúnya whispers, before stepping back a bit, brushing the blonde hair out of the young womans face. "We shall return to Edoras. Rohan has been victorious.", Theoden says, stepping closer to the two women. "I need to thank you for all that you have done for us. Thank you." And the man himself goes to bow in front of the elleth, but she beats him to it. "My king.. You have taken me in, despite me being banished. You have had me sit amongst your family. Eat alongside you. Walk alongside you. I see you and each of these three as my family. And I would be damned before I'd allow anything to happen to you.", she says and is then embraced tightly by the king himself, when she catches a familiar scent, drowned in blood. "Haldir. Where is he? I can smell him!", she looks around. "He fell.", Aragorn finally allows himself to tell her. "Not for much longer." The woman follows her nose until she finds the man that had she grew up with. He had been her private guard. The one person she had always trusted. The only person left in Lorien she had missed.

His hands grasped those of the woman tightly. "Who are you? Why am I alive?", the man asks, still blinded. "I have missed you, Haldir. It's been a while.." Recognition calms the face of the elvish man. "My Lady Rúnya? Is that you? Its impossible. You are said to be dead." "I am here, my friend. And Your heart beats once more." Finally the blindness leaves his eyes and he gazes up at the woman that has bedded his head in her lap. Despite the scar on her face he recognises her immediately. "My lady.." "Hush now, my friend. I didn't have enough strength remaining to heal every wound completely and replenish your strength. You'll feel a bit under the weather for a while. But I shall watch over you for time being.", she says, her voice soft as she brushes her palm over his face and his eyes flutter close as he falls into a calm slumber. "Take him somewhere where he can rest. I shall go and try help the wounded. I do not have enough strength to raise every dead man but I still have enough remaining to try and heal the worst wounds.", Rúnya says and a few elven warriors quickly carry their commander away. "I will join you.", Aragorn says. She nods. "Follow me then. Theodred. Eomér. Eowyn. Collect together the men remaining and have them prepare graves for those who have fallen. I shall try to make sure to heal and raise the youngest boys so that the future of Rohan is not lost. But I won't be able to do as much as I want to. No matter the ring on my finger."

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