For a smile so pure

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It had only taken them a year of married life and Rúnya had given birth to the first child of their union. A small girl with bright eyes and a lovely smile. She even had little dimples in her cheeks. A face that Thranduil immediately fell in love with. Often the king could be seen carrying his granddaughter with him or having her sit in his lap while he remained seated on the throne. The little elleth had been given the name Celebrìan in honor of Rúnyas sister. And just two years later they welcomed their twin sons into their family. Thînon and Thûllon. They had quickly become attached to their grandfathers robes as well. Much to the happiness of the man. The royal home in mirkwood suddenly was buzzing with life. Especially when the three children took a flight with their father on their mothers back. The icy king had become warmer with every grandchild he gained and the heart in his chest had melted completely once Rúnya was announced to give birth to their fourth child.

Sighing the future queen of mirkwood looks at her mischievously grinning husband. "Why? I said 3 were enough.", she asks and he chuckles. "I never agreed with you on that.." "You are a mean, mean husband, Legolas.", Rúnya sighs and brushes her long hair. The future king sits down behind his wife and takes the brush from her fingers. "Let me." She sits still as he brushes her silky curls and places a loving kiss on her neck. Immediately the frustration washes off of Rúnya and she relaxes into her husbands arms. "How many children exactly did you imagine yourself having, if I may ask?", she sighs, looking up at her husband who has placed his hands on her still mostly flat stomach, lacing their fingers together. "At least 6 or 7.", he chuckles and the dragoness stares at him wide eyed. "Are you insane, Legolas? I can not possibly handle the responsibility of having that many children." "You have led a pride of dragons, my dear. I highly doubt you'd have any troubles handling 70." Rúnya sighs again. "Hush now. One may think I take to pleasuring my wife mid day as she is already pregnant." The dragoness looks at him with wide eyes. "Legolas!" He places his lips onto hers and lifts her into his lap, turning her to face him. "I love you, Rúnya. And I want nothing more than to have you and our children by my side. I want you to be here and held tightly to me. I want to make love to you under the stars and I want to have your face fill my entire head. Allow me to give you all of my love. Please. Allow me to give it all to you until our last breaths." The dragoness stares into her husbands gentle eyes as he speaks to her in such a loving and caring manner. She wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him passionately. "I would never want you to do anything else. I just do want to actually have enough time for each of our children. Give them each the love they deserve. And I can not do that if I have so many. We have all the time in the world, my love. There is no need for this haste.", she tells him, brushing her lips against his. He smiles and rests his head against her chest. "I knew I had married the right woman." She holds him to her, placing kisses on his head, cheek and the tip of his ears. Rúnya loved her husband fiercely, no matter what he did. "Ada. Naneth." Three little children, accompanied by their grandfather enter the room and the woman smiles, opening the embrace for her sons and daughter. "Now. Tell us. Do we get a brother or a sister?", Thînon asks with a grin. The young boys still spoke rather clumsily but it appears as if they had all but practiced the question. Rúnya smiles. "A sister. And her name is to be Ithilen." Celebrìan beams in happiness at the prospect of having another girl in their family and so does Thranduil. The elven king places a kiss on Rúnyas hand and smiles. No words were needed for her to understand.

Shortly after Ithilen was born, the dragons returned to their Alpha one last time. They greet her children and say their final goodbyes. "Give my sister my love if you find her. Tell her everything that happened. And tell her that I am now finally happy. And that we will see each other again."

With those words the dragons leave middleearth for the undying lands and not one of them would ever return.
The great dragon born, the dragoness Rúnya however, remains.. With the rest of her family. "Come, meleth nin. You shouldn't stay outside in the cold for so long. Especially not with the children.", Legolas says and Rúnya smiles. "I am never cold, my love. But still, you are right. Celebrìan. Thînon. Thûllon. We will go back now. Come." Her children hurry to her side and the royal family of mirkwood heads back to the warmth of their quarters.

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