Chapter 13: JAW$!

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Your pov

I'm taking my break after cleaning the mansion as usual, I hear a loud crash outside, it must be Scrooge went on a adventure with webby and his nephews,  "(y/n), beakley" Scrooge called, I went up to him and help him pick up the treasure and place them in the cart "your board of director just called, they say your recent adventures are causing damages to the city of duckburg" Ms.beakley said "which I always pay for, adventure leads to treasure, treasure helps the company, the company helps the town through appreciating investment in long term civic fiduciary interests" Scrooge said "yes what's not to understand, the board has set up a television interview with Roxanne Featherlyto help boost your character" she said "my character does not need boosting, they're overacting" he said "good news Mr.Mcdee, the beanstalk missed the orphanage" Launchpad said as he he use the chainsaw to cut the beanstalk "what time is the interview" Scrooge said as he walk away leaving coins on the floor, I grab the vacuum and use it to pick up the coins.


"So Roxanne, I suppose my greatest weakness is that I care too much" Scrooge said, sitting down angrily "fascinating, well Mr.Mcduck, I can assure you that you will not come off likable-doing anything, unfoldthose arms, drop the frown, when dealing with the press SOS, be sincere, open, and smile" Ms.beakley said as she made Scrooge sit straight "some find my scuttle very appealing the-AH!" I spray Scrooge with water as he crawl and went behind the chair like a cat "the press of valture are looking for the next story to feast on" Ms.beakley said "I can handle a puff piece of reporter" Scrooge said "fine I'll go easy on you" she said as she make Roxanne voice saying "now Mr.Mcduck I love your accent, tell me what part of Ireland are you from" Scrooge groans, I spray him two times.

Time skip

Scrooge is standing, a little nervous "there's the man of the hour, Roxanne Featherly, it's an honor and privilege to meet you Mr.Mcduck, such a fan, when you forced Medusa to take a good hard look at herself in the mirror it changed me" she said "and her into stone" Scrooge said, they both laughed and sit down "most people dont know about that" he said "well most people aren't me, now dont worry, this interview is just the two of us having a conversation" Roxanne said, Scrooge smile and turn us and wink at me and beakley, she drop down the sprayer and I smile and blush at the same time, the camera guy use his finger to count down and start recording "I'm here with multi-millionaire menace Scrooge Mcduck, who values profit over people's lives, I'll take your awkward smile as a confirmation that you enjoy feeling superior to everyone in the ravaged town of Duckburg" Roxanne said "no I-" Roxanne interrupt him "now Mr.Mcduck, I cant quite place your accent, tell me what part of Ireland are you from" Scrooge growls


"With a rich Celtic tradition, connected to but entirely distinct from the rest of the United kingdom, and secondly I have done for more good than harm for  Duckburg, ask anyone" Scrooge said "will do, joining us for comment via satellite from his office that was recently ravaged by Scrooge's blameworthy beanstalk, Flintheart Glomgold" Roxanne said as the TV open, seeing Glomgold saying "Curse you Mcduck!, Roxanne good to see you" "and you" she said "and (y/n), good to see you too, my sweet " he said as everyone look at me, and went in the middle of the interview standing next to Scooge, I fake smile at Glomgold "its...good to see you too Glomgold" I said angrily and still fake smile at him "you cant believe this time of Shanta wearing terror" Scrooge said as Roxanne gasp and said "oh shameful" "we cant all afford top hat you Richnob"  Glomgold said "you rich too you malevolent mounterback" Scrooge said "you best believe it Scroogie, I'm rolling with it" Glomgold said "then what is your point, I'm glad that beanstalk crash your office" Scrooge said as everyone gasped while me and Ms.beakley facepalm.

Few mins later

"My building get destroyed, and he gets away with it" Glomgold gold "you trying to blow up my office at least twice this week" Scrooge said "three times if you count rigth now!" Glomgold said as he press the button, but nothing happens "now!" He press again, nothing still work "now, well this is embarrassing " Glomgold said "Roxanne, you cant trust the words of my sworn enemies, whose only pastime is constantly plotting against me, there is no truth to the claims that my treasure hunting is in anyway dangerous to Duckworth" Scrooge said "this just in, Scrooge Mcduck treasure has transformed into a money shark and hold on, I mean now it has legs" Roxanne said "of course its does" Scrooge said "for those just tunning in, a money shark appears to be heading to duckburg, where its sure to cause untold destruction, citizens are rushing over in boats to collect falling gold debree, it seems Scrooge's fortune is now up for grabs Glomgold your thoughts" she said, Glomgold heard about it runs off to get Scrooge's money "ah me money, and the safety of the fine citizens of Duckburg" Scrooge said as he stands up, take a step back, and runs as he grab my hand and drag me with him running as we went inside the car driving off

Mins later

We finally arrived in front of the money shark at the gate, the money shark is heading to us, I see more arrows shooting at the money shark and pull the arrows back with the money bag in it, Scrooge looks down at the bridge and said "leave off that's my money...oui gilt girls, come and get me" the money shark roars and did something that I dont know what its doing until I see something coming out of Scrooge's frock coat "my number one dime" Scrooge said as he tries to get his dime but failed as he fell on the floor while the money shark ate it, he gets upb"oh no you dont, you predatory piggy bank" he said as he roll his sleeves up and ran toward the money shark and jump and was to hit her but the money shark got him inside "hi uncle Scrooge/Mr.Mcdee" the boys and Launchpad said "everyone" Scrooge said "Scrooge no!" I yelled, the money shark is heading towards me, I look down and saw a crowbar and start attacking her.
As I'm attacking the money shark, I tripped  on something and fell on the floor, the money shark grab me and lifted me up in the air and ate me.
As I'm falling inside, I close my eyes and ready to hit the ground, I felt that someone caught me in thier arms, I open my eyes and saw Scrooge has caught me in his arms, I blush "lass, are you alright" he said "yeah I'm fine, thank you for saving me" I replied "no problem lass" he said as he put me down, I saw something lighting up and the money shark exploded as thousands of money falls to the ground "Dewey, dont you ever get eaten by a magical money shark again you hear me boy" Launchpad said as he grab and hugs Dewey tightly "okay" Dewey said, I see Scrooge is picking up his money as he's trying to look for something.
He sees Roxanne in front of him "no no not you again" he said, the camera starts recording "Roxanne featherly reporting live from the scene where Scrooge's apparent generosity has provided a much needed economic boost to Duckburg, Scrooge Mcduck tarnished tycoon hometown heroes" she said as the beagle boys and people are collecting Scrooge's money, Scrooge tried to smile since he's getting mad that they are taking his money, Glomgold appeared dress up as a lady and try to take Scrooge's tophat that has money inside, Scrooge tries to get it but look at the camera and smiles as he let go his top hat "thank you kind sir" Glomgold said "you're welcome" Scrooge said, everyone left with his money, Roxanne and the camera guy left, Scrooge sighs and frowns as he's looking down.
As he's looking down, I saw something shining close to the car, I went forward and found his number one dime, I pick it up and saw Scrooge is looking around trying to find his dime, I went to him and tap his shoulder and said "I believe this belongs to you" he turns around and look at his dime "my number one dime" he said as he grab the dime and kiss it happily "oh thank you so much lass!" He said as he hugs me and spin me around in his arms happily, I laughed happily, he put me as he's holding me still in his arms and look to each other, we smile happily, he started to lean slowly at me, as he's leaning, we heard alot of 'ooooooooos' and 'awwwwws', we look and saw the boys, webby, lena, and Launchpad shouting at us, we look at each other and look away as he release me in his arms, he look at the destruction "how did all this happened in the first place" he said.

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