Chapter 5: Feeling Sick?

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Your's pov

I open my eyes and saw the left over snacks on the table and the TV in front of me, then I finally realized that I slept in the living room with webby and...SCROOGE!!!
Scrooge is sleeping on my laps, I blushed, I cant get up, so I have no other choice but to wake him up "Scrooge...Scrooge wake up" he started to open his eyes, waking up....

Scrooge's pov

"Scrooge...Scrooge wake up" I heard someone calling me, I started to open my eyes, starting to wake up, I look around and realized I had slept in the living room "umm...Scrooge" that voice sound familiar, I look up and saw (y/n), I look down and realized that I was sleeping on (y/n)'s laps. I sit up feeling completely embarrassed "Lass...Im so sorry, I didnt mean to sleep on your-" "Its okay, I get it...your just tired" she looked down feeling completely akward.
I was about to talk back, (y/n) started running out of the living room, I felf completely embarrassed and turning red so much...

Your's pov

I ran out of the living room, feeling completely akward, I went outside of the backyard and went to the garden.
As I went to the garden, I saw a bench and decided to sit down until Im calm over that akward and embarrassing moment that happen.

Time skip

I felt a drop on my head, thinking that it migth rain, I felt another drop, I was about to head back inside, but I dont want to see Scrooge rigth now, I would rather get myself wet on a cold rain instead..."Lass, lass where are you" Scrooge...oh no no no, I dont want to see him, not rigth now.

Scrooge's pov

I been looking for (y/n) in the mansion for hours, twice. I went outside and felt a drop on my head, realizing that its gonna rain. I grabbed my umbrella and went to look for her "Lass, lass where are you" I went to the garden and found (y/n) sitting on a bench, I went up to her feeling down "lass are you alright?" I asked as I sit down next to her "yeah, yeah I'm alright" she said looking away "lass...Im so sorry for sleeping on you, I didnt mean for all of this to happen-" "its okay, its not your fault, I shouldn't run away like that, I was a complete idiot back there" she said, I grab her hand "Dont say that lass, you are not a idiot, you are an amazing hard working maid I ever seen".

Your's pov

I look up at him starring into his eyes and hug him and he hugs me back while he's  holding the umbrella. We let go and saw his clothes got wet a little "opps im sorry" "thats alright lass, a little rain doesnt hurt" he said as he smiles at me, I love seeing him smile, it makes me feel warm, it feels like...I have feelings for him, like I like him...Im in love with Scrooge Mcduck. He put his hand on my shoulder, I stared blushing while he's taking me back to the masion. We finally arrived at my room "Thank you for...taking me to my room" I said "no problem lass, well I will see you tomorrow, tommorrow is a another day to work" Scrooge said "Sure thing, Goodnight Scrooge" "Goodnigth lass" Scrooge left and went to his room. I went inside and grab my Sketchbook/journal and draw Scrooge Mcduck

A/N: made a drawing of Scrooge Mcduck 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀

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A/N: made a drawing of Scrooge Mcduck 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀

I put my Sketchbook/journal away and starded to head off to bed.

Next day

I woke up and started to feel something off...I mean is it me or the mansion starting to get a little hot, as I was about to speack, I started coughing "that was...weird" I said in a weird minor voice, It feel that Im kinda losing my voice, then I began to start sneezing. I went to the bathroom and I look myself on the mirror...

A/N: made a drawing of yourself in the mirror feeling sick

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A/N: made a drawing of yourself in the mirror feeling sick. ☺☺☺

I feel a little week and start sneezing a few times as I see a little red on my nose then I I getting sick.

Scrooge's pov

I woke up and went to change my clothes, I left the room and wanted to check on (y/n). I went to her room and knocking the door, I hear footsteps coming and started opening the door and see (y/n) in front of me, feeling a bit off "Good morning Scrooge-" she said in a weird minor voice as she sneezes "Good morning lass, are you alright?" I asked "yeah Im fin-" she sneeze and started coughing.

Your's pov

"Yeah Im fin-" I sneeze again and started coughing as well. I see Scrooge staring to raise an eyebrow and put his hand on my forehead and then on my cheeks, I started to turn red a little "Lass, your burning up a little" he said. "No, no Im not-" I sneeze again.

Scrooge's pov

"You're sick, you're getting a cold lass" Im starting to get worried "you should get some rest" I said "no Im good really-" she sneeze again, I have no other choice but to carry her "no lass your not going to work, you should get some rest" as Im carring her. I put her down on her bed covering her blanket on her "rest now lass, I'll let Ms.Beakley knkw that your not going to work until you feel better" I said "okay-"
(y/n) sneeze again.

Your's pov

Once Scrooge is about to leave, I grab his hand and look back at me "Thank you Scrooge" "No problem lass, now get some rest" as he smiles and left the room. I cant believe Scrooge carried me to bed, It was nice. I didnt know Scrooge was worried about me getting sick, I guess he really cares his people....right?....oh well.

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