December 8th, 2019, 6 AM, GMT+7, Thailand, Bangkok.
There wasn't any new things regarding to the Iscariots. Other than the fact that they gathered inside their hideout, the Saint Iscariot's Church.
"Heh heh heh, imprisonment cannot break their minds, but altering their minds can be a great idea. From this point, we'll have them distant from each other and make them remember false memories. Temptations almost never affect you when you have a strong mind and a determined heart. But when those are weakened, it's like getting a flu when you're already having malaria." Alexander said.
"Very funny." Hwang Hyun said.
"And now, we have support from numerous anti-gay organizations. Once, they all abhorred us because we are devils. But now, ironically, they summoned us up and enlisted us to fight the gays. We find there is absolute rubbish in this earth, we regretted not having earth erased in December 21 2012. But if we did that, we wouldn't have so much fun as we were having at the present." Vladimir said.
"Oh dear, it's all in our delusional minds. Nobody even cares." Mikhail replied.
"Phew. By the way, enlisting homophobic dudes into our alliance can help us play the victim card, because they are great at dealing situations with homos. Take this example of Pete Pichaya's toxic ex-boyfriend. He's a manipulative bastard who plays with the feelings of any boy he gets his hands on, abuses them and blames them to get a justified self-righteousness to plunder and loot. With him acting as our ambassador, we can see him blaming our preys for seducing us while the actuality is the opposite." Vladimir continued.
"Knock's ex-girl Plern is not a holy saint either. She's the wolf bitch in a sheep's clothing with the smarts of a serpent. Her dramas of playing the victim card really make me sick. But even after she knew I had taken Knock prisoner, she faked her tears like a jerk in the clothing of a damsel in distress." Marcus said.
"In those terms, we're like peasants and those victim card players are royals. At least we've seen such those people once in our lives, and we're all familiar." Michael said.
After a brief silence, Alexander asked: "Well, by the way, have our slaves gotten out yet?"
"They're sleeping the whole morning. By the way, with the experience as a former member of the medieval Spanish Inquisition, I am very aware that prisoners might escape, so I placed guards to protect the prison. Don't worry. They'll be very handy." Santiago replied.
As Alexander sat quietly on the throne, he nodded his head as he listened to Santiago's speech.
"Two corrupted Judas Coins merged with a car and turned it into an ugly monster known as Super Iscariot Monster Chimera. The monster had a head of a lion with a car hood on it, a snake-like tail that looked like an exhaust pipe, a goat head on its chest which could blast electricity from its eyes, a spark plug on its left arm and car wheels on its legs. This super-strong and super-speedy monster breathed out flames from its lion mouth and black noxious smoke from its tail, and he was seemingly impossible to be killed." Santiago stated about the background about the first monster he deployed to guard the prison.
"A spanner and two corrupted Judas Coins are used to create Super Iscariot Monster Cancer, a heavily-armored red crab monster with an oversized set of mechanical pincers resembling wrenches on his left forearm. These pincers can cut any material into shreds in mere seconds, and a powerful laser gun is concealed inside them. Just a blue beam fired out from this weapon is enough to break every machine into separate parts. Cancer's tough and spiky carapace conceals numerous mechanical legs with blades on them, which can strike opponents back and forth when coming too close to it. The carapace can be thrown like a flying blade." Then Santiago told about the second monster.
[English fanfic] Why RU BL-ing me once more?!
FanficImagine what if the universe of Thai BL dramas is intertwined with some supernatural elements? What if the otherworldly forces are antagonistic? Important note: Why R U here for a taste of BL romance in terror?! A/N: The image(s) for this story does...