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Pick up the phone
Answer your text
Well I apologize about last night
I really did not mean to disrespect you

I roll my eyes at my voice mail. He didn't mean any disrespect? I put my phone in my pocket and ignored the constant ringing or buzzing. I'm not going to cry. I'm better than this, I can leave him.

I can ignore him.

I look at the street and bite my lip. I can't ignore him.. I cant ignore my fiancé. I live with him, if I leave him I'll be homeless.

'Oh kellin, you could go to your parents house' someone might say but no. They aren't a option. I doubt my Father would ever piss on me to extinguish a flame if I was on fire.

I'm alone..

I'll wait until he's drunk and sneak into bed with him. When he wakes up he wont even care about this fight. All I have to do is storm off and everything gets better. Most of the time, but if I stay gone longer than a day then he gets bad and thinks I cheated on him.

I don't cheat, he might but I wouldn't do something like that. I love him.. love, loved? I'm not sure anyone.

After every fight I doubt my love for him.. but when we are together and happy I truly believe I love him. Tears brim to my eyes. Please just love me Ronnie... if he just stopped the drugs we could be happy together.

"Oh my god! Its Kellin Quinn!" I hear a girl scream. I look at her and her friends and one of them is wearing a Sleeping with sirens shirt. Oh no.. not now.

Like the coward I am, I start to walk fast and cross the street. They literally start chasing after me so my legs start running too. Fans can be too much a lot of the time.

Just last week some guy feel of stage during a performance and couldn't get of for a while because the crowd was grabbing him and trying to keep him from getting back on stage. The security  guards and fans pretty much had a tug of war with him and when he got back on stage his shirt was torn off.

I don't know the band's name or even saw the guys face but that doesn't matter. I'm just trying to get away from the fans. Looking back I see they multiplied.

I turn the corner and go into the first store I see and crouch down from so they can see me through a window. Please go away crazy fans.

"What the fuck? He disappeared.. man I was going to seduce him!" A girl says in a high pitched voice to her friends. I hear them leave and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"We're closed.. but I guess I dont mind. Fans can be crazy," A British voice says scaring the daylights out of me. I jump and my head wipes to look st the guy. Is he a fan? Wait I'm in a closed store?


Imminently I see it's not a store it's a bar. I stand up straight and smile nervous. He's chuckling at how scared I just got by his sudden appearance. 

"Sorry, I'll go," I say but I hear a fan giggle outside and I hear chattering. Some of them haven't left yet..

"Nah, I'm about to open up In a hour anyways. As long as you don't run around or do anything crazy you can stay," he says and I sigh in relief.

"Okay, thank you," I say and sit down at a booth that faces the bar. My phone rings again and then it goes to voice mail.

You better be alone
No I'm not obsessed
But if I catch you with somebody else
You know that I'm gonna be up-

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