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I want to write a new story but I know I should finish my other ones :c

Kellin's pov

I blush as I push my face into Oliver's side. Why is sleeping next to him so comfortable? Usually I get scared when I'm sleeping with people. I guess the only people who I've slept with have gave me a reason to be scared.

"You're so warm," I mumble as I look at his side only a inch away. I could bite him- wait, shut up brain. I wonder how he would react if I did.. or if I licked him.

"And you're fuzzy," he says and I smile into his side. My onesie is amazing and super soft. I put my mouth on his skin and think about biting him.

"My mouth was cold but now its being warmed up," I say and he laughs at me.

"Don't laugh," I whine and he chuckles more at me. I open my mouth and graze his side with my teeth. He flinches away but I know I didn't hurt him.

"Mm, don't bite me or- just don't," he mumbles and I pout and remove my teeth.

"Why not?" I whine.

"I- just don't," he says and I pull away and look at his face. He's hiding something?

"But I-," I start but his phone dings and I look at it. He picks it up and I scoot up so I can be nosy and read his texts over his school.

Jordan: after the show meet up with us at Matty's house and tell kellin and his band

Oli: another party?

Jordan: yeah but this one is going to be different, I have plans

Oli looks at me and sees I'm reading. He doesn't mind or at least doesn't tell me to stop. A party? I get slutty while drunk, I better not drink too much.

Oli: okay, see ya in a few hours

Jordan: dont be late for warm ups

Oli puts his phone down and looks at me with tired eyes. I don't want to get up. I lean on him and close my eyes.

"Hey, we have to wake up," Oliver says but that doesn't stop me from trying to go back to sleep on him.

"Goodnight," I mumble feeling like I could fall asleep any moment. This feeling is weird, not the sleepiness. The comfortable feeling. Like I'm safe. Would Oliver ever hit me?

Would he force himself on me?

Would he break my heart on purpose?

Does he like me?

No he said I was just being a good friend.. he's not into me. Theres no way he likes me. Then why did he let me sleep in his bed?

Stupid; Because you came in here crying and kinda forced him to let you. Why is my brain so rude to me?

As I feel myself falling asleep; I get the sensation and feeling that I'm ACTUALLY falling. I flinch and look up to see I'm not falling off the bed or into an abyss. I'm just on Oli only a few inches from his face with my mouth slightly open, because as I woke up I also made a girly gasp.

Oliver looks at my mouth and I close it and blush. "S-sorry, I thought I was falling?" I say embarrassed and relax a little from my previous panicked ways.

"I wont let you fall," he says and wraps his arms around me. I smile a little but hide it because I don't want him to see how that affects me.

"Thanks Oli.. for letting me stay in here," I mumble feeling embarrassed. What 20 year old has to sleep with someone to feel safe?

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