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Kellin's pov ♡♡♡

Me and Oliver rush around cleaning everything even though its probably already clean.

We are both extremely nervous because my parents are coming over for dinner. I haven't seen my parents in  five or six years, I ran away right after the incident with Dahvie. Back then my dad was abusive but it's been five years and he's dying, things might have changed.

My mom was never in the wrong, she just let my dad beat me. I stop and think about my thought. That's wrong, she was my mom. She should have helped me. Was? She still is..

That's my problem, I almost only see the good in people. I justify their actions. Forgive them way too fast.. but it's my parents; I have too.

My dad is dying, I have to be there for him. My mom must be so sad that her husband is dying and there's nothing she can do about it.

Oliver is nervous because he's meeting my parents. He won't talk about how he feels about them but the way he clinches his fist or jaw as he cleans tell me he's mad, annoyed, or upset. He seemed happy for me but I'm not sure how he really feels.

When the door bell rings Oli looks at me. He catches me staring at him and gives me a smirk. I go past him and open the door nervously.

Standing before me are the Bostwicks. They look older than I remember.. "you're so grown up!" My mother says and goes for a hug. I hug her and after a brief moment pull away.

"Still girly but charming," my father says and we shake hands. I let them in and see Oli isn't in the room.

"Dinner will be ready in a few minutes, make yourself comfortable," I say and they smile and take a seat.  I look at the couch making sure it looks okay. It's a fucking couch of course it looks okay. I excuse myself and go into the kitchen.

Oliver is leaning against the counter looking stressed. I go up to him and kiss his lips when he removes his hand from the bridge of his nose to look at me. He gives me a tired smile and looks at the door that leads to the dining room and living room.

"I can tell them you feel bad, you can go lay down," I say in a quiet voice. He shakes his head.

"No love, I want to be there for you.. you know you're hotter than the sun and better than the drugs I use to love," he say and I smile. He's so sweet. I hug him and he hugs me back and rests his chin on my head.

The door opens and I see my mother. I pull away from Oli feeling like I've been caught doing something bad. Oli straightens up and my mother smiles catching me off guard.

"You too are cute together.. I wanted to talk to you without him hearing, is that okay?" He asks gesturing to where my father is.

"Yeah, that's okay," I say and Oli checks on the lasagna that's cooling down.

"Well.. I understand we were horrible parents but we really want you to be in our lives again. Your father has cancer and a tumor.. it's on his brain and that's why he was so aggressive. It's been growing really slowly since you've been born but he has seizures now-" she wipes the tears from her eyes.

"It would mean the world if you could forgive us and be there for him," she says. I hug her and she is happy to accept it.

"I forgive both of you.. I'm sorry I ran away," I say and Oli looks at me and gives me a reassuring smile. After a moment I pull away and she smiles at me like a mother would.

I feel.. better. Like I have a family now. "The lasagna is ready," Oli says bringing it past up and through the door to the dining room.

"He seems like a nice young man," she says and I smile.

"He's amazing," I say with a smile. We go into the dining room and Oli is making plates as he talks to my Father.

Once everyone has started eating and Oli has shaken both of their hands my mom starts asking questions. "This lasagna is spectacular, who made it?" She says looking mainly at me.

"Oliver's the cook, I'd burn the house down," I say with a smile and Oli smiles awkwardly.

"Yeah I once asked him to cook me ramen noodles and he managed to burn them," he shares and I blush. It burned because I forgot and we ended up making out. The water evaporated and then it burned the noodles.
My father laughs and I feel like this is a real family dinner.

"What do you do Oliver?" My father asks and Oli looks panicked for a split second but covers if with a smile.

"I'm the lead singer of a band sir," he says and I smile.

He nods thinking while looking at us. "What's the band called?" He says pulling out his phone. Oh shit. He's not going to like Oli's music. He's a old fashion and country guy. He didn't even like my songs.

"Bring me the horizon, but you don't have to-" Oli starts.

"Oliver Scott Sykes, born in Sheffield England- blah blah blah,  oh hates a music video," he says interrupting Oliver.

I look at oli and he looks at me panicked. My father plays it and my soul leaves my body as pray for plagues starts playing. My mother and Father look terrified. They both watch with horror in their eyes.

After a minute he pauses it and both look at Oli. "Dear lord, can you really make that sound?" My mother asks.

"Y-yeah?" He says nervously.

"Do it for us," my father says and Oliver looks at me for a second and then back to them and sings/screams a line from that song.

They both look impressed but scared. Maybe even worried. "Honey, are all you're songs like that?" My mother asks.

"No ma'am, I have didn't types of songs," he says and she points at my father's phone.

"That one sound less scary," she tells him and he clicks it.

When the guitars play I instantly know she picked 'sugar honey ice & tea'. They watch the video and when it's over they look bewildered.

"That one was.. interesting," my mother says.

"I liked it, it reminds me of my fun days," my father says and Oli smile a little.

"Thank you," oli says and we eat a little more they ask normal questions mostly and we laugh and talk like normal.

They end up leaving a hour later with the plans to spend Christmas eve together. Christmas is in a few days, I'm excited..

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