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Oliver leans in as he has me pressed against the bus. His breath smells like mint and cigarettes. "Yeah, you are definitely submissive. I gotta go take a shower, I'll talk to you later..." He says softly In my ear.

Shivers go up my spin and I cant make out words. My brain is fumbling over thoughts and I make eye contact with him. "Text me were you're at in a hour," he says and leaves me confused and blushing.

He cant possibly like me..

Maybe he's just messing with me. Maybe he's just a flirty person?

He might be gay, he does work at a gay bar. Pub, whatever it's the same thing. But that doesn't mean he likes me. Its possible that he's just looking for someone to fool around with? What the fuck?

Why would he pin me against this bus?

Oh I'm still against his bus. I quickly fix my clothes as I walk away still flushed. What happened? He was staring at me, I walked up, and then he pinned me to his bus and left.. he was curious to see if I was submissive?

I'm wearing a koala onesie, what dom would do that? Wait I wonder if I could somehow get Oliver to wear one of my onesies? He's obviously a dominant guy. But he would look so sexy in one...


As I walk into hot topic a girl looks at me and the only thought that pops up in my mind is 'fangirl'. I smile at her and she looks completely shocked, excited, and freaked out. I look around and I feel a bit relieved that theres only two other people in the store.

The girl that spotted me walks up with her open. She starts opening and closing her mouth like shes trying to talk but it's not works.

"Do you want a hug?" I ask and she looks like shes going to die of anxiety. She nods and I open my arms. She hugs me and pulls away and smiles.

"I love you!" He squeals and I laugh a little.  Fans are so weird but I love them. "I love you too-" I look at her for a name.

"Katie," she says getting out her phone. "Can we take a picture together?" She asks excitedly.

"Yeah but can you not post it until tomorrow? I dont want hundreds of fans trying to meet me on my day off," I say hoping she'll understand.

"Okay," she agrees and we take a few pictures. "So um.. kellin. I have a question, it's only in between us," she says and I nod for her to go on.

"You said you were engaged a few months ago but I see no ring and you never talk about her or post pictures.. why?" She says looking hopeful that I'll answer.

"I like to keep my dating life away from the media but we broke up yesterday so that explains the ring. I would appreciate it if you really did keep this in between us. I like to have some control on what people know about me," I say and shes looking at me with star struck eyes.

"I promise I won't! Oh my god I love your onesie your so amazing!" She says and my phone cuts her off. My ring tone is Ronnie's song called 'pick up the phone'. He set it to that. I answer it and put it to my ear.

I should have checked to see who is calling.. "hi-llo?" I say and cringe. I was going to say hi but tried to fix it with hello but it just sounded stupid.

The fan girl is intensely looking at me and I feel shy enough answering the phone without someone staring at me. "'Ello, you never texted me where you are so I'm going to look for you and I think I know where you are. You're in the mall right?" A British accent say and I recognize it as Oliver's voice.

He thinks he knows where I am? "Sorry, do you want me to tell you where I am?" I say. The girl waves bye and rushes away after I give her a smile and wave.

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