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Oliver's pov

I hold kellin as he cries into my shirt. "I-I love you too Oli," he says and my heart flutters.

This boy is so precocious. I kiss his forehead and hug him more. "I- im.. I feel,"looks at me and wipes his face. Then he shakes his head 'no' and holds onto me. I see it's hard to explain..

"No need to explain," I tell him and he smiles at me a little and we cuddle together in each other's embrace.


Smoke? Oh god. I turn of the stove quickly and the toast pops. I go to it but the burning eggs make me stop and now I'm just making a bloody fool out of myself as I fling things around the butter falls off the counter. No! I need that for toast.

"Fuck," I say and look at the eggs. They aren't cooked completely. I stir them and it looks horrible because its burnt. I look at the toast. It's getting cold, I need to butter them. Wheres the butter?

I go to look but slip on something on the ground. Butter!

Kellin giggles when he sees me on the ground and takes a look at the mess I made. He looks at me with a 'really' look and I find myself blushing.

He turns off the stove and grabs the not cooked all the way toast and throws all the food away. "But the children," I day and he looks at me in utter confusion.

"Africa babies who starve?" I say and he giggles.

"Honey, get up we are going to waffle house," he says and I get up feeling embarrassed that I couldn't cook food. I ended up zoning out and thinking about kellin until everything started to burn.

I get up and pick up the butter. "I'll clean this when we get back," he says and I smile at my boyfriend. He's so amazing. Yesterday was really stressful for him. I'm proud that he's trying not to think about the negativity.

"I talked to my mom just a minute ago. She says that they listen to my songs and a few months ago they went to one of my shows," he says happily.

I love it when he's happy.


When we are back from waffle house and he tries to go to the kitchen to clean I grab his hand and start leading him to my room. He doesn't fight it he just walks with me happily.

"Hey, you forgot about something," I say with a smirk. He starts thinking and nods.

"I don't know what you're talking about so I'm pretty sure you're right," he says and I love how cute and adorable he is.

I lean in so my mouth is close to his ear. "Go get on my bed.. on your hands and knees," I say deeply and he looks at me nervously.

"Wait why?" He says.

Another idea goes through my mind. "Hey.. while you're at it go put on those close from the party," I say and he blushes.

"The girl clothes?" He clarifies.

"Yes, hurry," I say and he looks nervous.  That look turns me on. I take off my shoes and my shirt.

When kellin comes back my eyes pop out of my head. That's not the same outfit.

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