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-back to kellins pov- did you like Oliver's pov?

Oliver stayed in my room the whole day as I morn my dog. He only left to use the bathroom or when he got food and we ate it together on my bed. Then I feel asleep in his arms.

It's now tomorrow- wait it's not tomorrow its today. But today was yesterday.. I sit up and pout.  Why is my brain so confusing.

"Isn't today yesterday's tomorrow?" I ask half asleep but a hundred percent confused.

Oli looks at me and thinks about it. "You just confused me," he says after thinking for a moment.

I giggle and snuggle up to him. My phone rings and I look at it. It's a unknown number..

I look at oli and he takes it from me.

-Oliver's pov-

I answer it and put it to my ear. A moment passes and I obviously confused the caller. "Wait did you pick up? Oh its saying you did. Well put your fuck boy on," an annoying voice says.

"You're going to regret that stunt you pulled," I say in a intimidating manner.

"Nah, if you so much as touch me I'm going to leak the video. Now what I want is you to kick kellin out. Break his heart. Or I'll post this video to ever social media there is," he says and hangs up.

Theres a video?

Kellin is looking at me waiting for me to tell him what his ex told me.

"Kellin.. what the video he's talking about?" I ask slowly. His face falls and he looks ashamed.

"He threatened to post it?" He whisper asks.

"Yeah," I say not wanting to mention what he wants me to do. I love kellin.. I dont want to break up with him... we just started dating! Theres so much i want to do with him. Sexual and nonsexual..

"What is it?" I ask again.

He looks like a hurt puppy- well not the one I buried last night as kellin slept. I had to scrub the front porch with cleaners and water so he wouldn't see the blood stain.

"Dont worry about it.." he mumbles and lays down. He turns so he's not looking at me and I feel bad. This video, dog, and guy have been putting so much weight on him. He didn't want to eat yesterday but I got him too.

He doesn't think he has a eating disorder only a small little problem. Its hard to fully know because I can't read minds but from what I see kellin is really self conscious about his weight. He became a vegetarian so he could lose weight and back 'a long time ago' he use to throw up his meals.

I dont know how long ago that was. He doesn't like talking about his family. All his ex's are terrible guys. He's just had a lot of bad luck in his life and I think he thinks he deserves it.

I listened to some of his songs and tried to figure him out. Along with the Internet. Some things confuse me. He told me his last name was Quinn but that fan in the mall said Bostwick. I looked it up and his last name is in.fact Bostwick.

Theres no family pictures or anything to do with them. I found out he dated vic and feel a bit jealous because they still preform a song together.

Am I supposed to tell him about the threat? Do I just end things? Do we pretend we broke up? Does he really like me?

I sigh frustrated.

What should I do? I get up and run my hand through my hair. "I'm going to the pub," I say leaving his room. I'm such an asshole. Im running from my problems.

I shove some fresh clothes on and leave.

-kellins pov-

This is bad for my mental health.. I'm aware.. but I feel like I need to remember. Trust me I remember but I want to see it.. I've never watched the video, only lived it..

I grab my laptop and go into my files. I click on a file and in the file theres 5 other files. I click the second to last one and theres a video in it...

Press play or go talk to oli?

Oh Oliver isnt here.. I click play and feel my stomach twist and turn like I'm going to be sick.

In chained up to a bed with all my clothes off in the video. I was scared and that's obvious in the video. Anyone with eyes and see I didn't want to be there.

Dahvie comes in and- I close the computer.

Tears have been running down my face but I don't feel like crying. I just feel like breaking. I'm just going go fall apart..

I go into my bathroom and look around. Is there anything the distract me? I see scented oils so I grab them. I'll take a bath. I trie to open it but its still unopened.  I need a knife. I go into my room and grab my pocket knife and start going into my bathroom.

When I open the knife everything stops. That's a distraction... I look at the blade and put down the unopened oil.

I look around feeling guilty and like I could be caught any second. No.. I cant do this... I'm out of that habit. That's not something I turn too.

The knife is sharp.. it's a perfect distraction.

Should I?

Hhhhhh I hate feeling bad while writing bc I want to fuck up their lives

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