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"Apparently Ronnie was on and off with Andy. Somebody told me that he was cheating with him on you a few days ago.." Oliver Sykes says and I nod a little.

Not surprising at all.

Both of them are cheating bastards.

"You're sure he likes Ronnie?" I ask feeling a bit unsure. My ex's are getting together? Or is Andy trying to get me back with some weird plan?

"Yeah, why?" He asks.

"Well.. um, Me and Andy dated.. and um, we kinda, it was a while ago. But Ronnie, Andy, and me.." I mumble and stumble over my words. We have a threesome a few times.

Oliver looks shocked. "You: sweet, innocent, pretty boy had a threesome? Were you in the mid-"

"Shut up, I'm not that innocent. But anywho, what if Andy is trying to get back with me? Like, I know I'm not that good but my ex's always try to get back with me..? I'm not sure why.. its probably just because I'm easy," I end sadly and I look at Oli's lips. Is he closer than before?

Quickly I look back at his eyes and see he's looking at his hand that's on my thigh. I scan his face and take in every detail. I love how he looks. Can cheek bones be considered sexy? He has sexy cheek bones..

"Well it doesn't matter if he's trying to get back together with you. Just say no, move on-"

"I have moved on. I see how toxic everyone has been to me," I cut him off again.

"I dont have to worry about you going back to Ronnie or Andy?" He asks and I feel his hand squeezes a little.

"Why would you care?" I ask not really understanding why he would care if I get back in a toxic relationship. He's not me, it doesn't effect him.

"Because I like you- you're personally, and if you go through to much abuse it could hurt you and so that would be bad," he says all this quickly and he almost looks nervous.

Oliver Sykes nervous?

He is a lot if thinks but I've never seen him look nervous or anxious. He's either really calm, really excited, or looking like he's plotting someone's death.

Nervous, worried, anxiety, or any of those emotions just never show. Theres a knock on the bathroom door and Oliver steps away from me and opens the door.

Matty looks at him and then me. "I had to make sure of 1. You were okay, 2. You guys weren't fucking in my room or bathroom, and 3. I'm here to convince you to come hang out with us," matty says and I blush.

Oli looks at me for a moment then to matty. "Nah we haven't started fucking yet," he then looks back at me. My blush has to be noticeable. "Are you okay now?" He asks and I nod. I'm not even lying, Oliver made me feel better.

"Want to come hang out then?" Matty asks me. I get down and we all walk out of the bathroom and towards the living room.

I steal glaces at Oliver as we walk. He's so attractive, my heart felt like it was going to die when his hand wa as on my thigh. Die in a good way, that is.

Everybody is sitting in a circle when me walk in and matty sits down next to Austin. Me and Oli join sitting side by side. Gerard is to my right and matty is across from me.

"Okay it's my turn. So Kellin, truth or dare?" Justin says and all eyes are on me. Ugh, really justin?

Truth or dare?

"Dare?" I ask instead of saying it confidently. I didn't want to say truth because none of them know me and Ronnie broke up and half of them dont even know I'm gay. The questions could very from my sex life to why I was crying.

"I dare you to.. drink a shot of whiskey," he says. That's not too bad. Alan grabs at bottle and shot glass and passes it to me. I pour my self a shot and smile at everyone watching.

I drink it smoothly and put the bottle out of the way. "Okay.. um.." I look around. "Austen, I dare you to kiss Alan," I say and Alan's face goes red and both boys look over at each other.

Austen smiles and softly grabs the blushing boys face. Alan looks frozen in place and I watch as Austin presses his lips to his. I've noticed Alan stealing glances at Austin. Both guys are 'straight' but I've had a suspicion that they like each other. But both are scared to make a first move.

After the kiss Austin is smiling and Alan looks embarrassed. "Okay, I see how it is. Oli, I dar- wait. Truth or dare?" Austin says and I'm pretty sure he's tipsy.

Oliver laughs a little. "I guess I'll pick dare for you," he says and Austin looks at me. Oh shit, that's what he meant. My cheeks go red.

"I dare you to-" he stops and holds up a finger. He pulls out his phone and starts texting. What?

Oli's phone beeps and he looks at it then Austin. "Okay mate, I accept that dare," Oliver says and turns to me.

"Wha-" I start but am stopped by Oliver's lips on my own. Woah.. I close my wide eyes and kiss back. Is this the dare? To kiss me? I'm not complaining, a dare is a dare and I'll just enjoy it.

Our lips move together and I find myself not caring that over ten people are watching. He pulls away and we make eye contact immediately. Dame, he's so hot. I kinda wanted to deepen the kiss but I'm not going to do that. It was only a simple kiss. Not making out..

He's still super close to me? Shouldn't he back up? His hands go to the side of my neck and the other on my thigh. He leans in but his lips don't go to my own.

Oliver's mouth goes to my neck, the side without his hand. I gasp as he kisses my neck and starts sucking. My voice betrays me and a very quiet moan come out of my mouth. Nobody hear except Oli. His hand on my thigh goes up a little and his grips gets a little tighter.

My pants start to tighten and I keep my eyes closed. Oh god, why does this feel so good? His tongue and lips on my hot skin makes shivers go down my spine. It makes me feel high, well that could be the alcohol.

After a moment he pulls away so I open my eyes to see him looking at me. "Y-you gave me a h-hickey?" I stutter and he smiles as he looks at the side of my neck.

"Yea, but I'm not done," he smirks and pulls the collar of my shirt down a little. He looks at my collarbone and I blush. Just like before he leans in and starts working on another hickey.

His left and holds my hip and the other is keeping my shirt out of his way. I look over to see everybody is playing the game and not paying attention to us that much. Some glance over but it's not as bad as I thought.

Oli pulls away and pushes me to the ground and gets on top of me. I'm looking at him with wide eyes and he wears a crooked smile.

He grabs the bottom of my shirt and pushes it up. "O-oli, wh- what are you doing?" I say embarrassed that this man and in top of me in front of our friends.

Oh my god he's so hot. I want him to do more than just hickeys... "shut up love, it's just hickeys. I dont want to leave five hickeys on you neck so I have to find more places," he explains quickly and then bends down and licks my side. A girlish gasp/moan leaves my mouth and I go red as everyone looks at me.

He starts sucking on my sensitive skin as one of his hands rubs circles into my hip. My dick wants attention but my brain stops me from making any stupid moves. I kinda just lay there underneath him trying to keep still.

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