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(Unedited sorry :-;)

Yoonjaes eyes widened as he growled lowly at how he could hear foot steps getting closer, it made him angry he could clearly smell it was a pack of alphas and one omega coming towards them.
It was dangerous having his unmarked omega near all these alphas on a night like this because a lot of alphas wanted a omega to be their mate,Omegas were  the perfect submissive willing to do anything an alpha wanted if in heat and yoonjae wasn't about to allow anyone to  mark or touch his omega, his mate.
"What did you do!" The alpha snapped at the omega growling loudly placing a paw on Yukis soft little stomach moving his face close to stare at the small wolfs eyes.
"A-alpha... I-I'm sorry" he whimpered loudly his little fox eyes watering lightly as he was scared he had disobeyed his instincts and peed on a tree that was already claimed by another scent
Out of the woods yoonjae could see by lifting his head quickly and staring out at the trees, seeing a pack of beady eyed hybrids, multiple of them each having blood red eyes the same as yoonjaes wolf form and a single set of soft blue eyes... just like yukis.
The alphas began getting closer as yoonjae picked up the other by his scruff lifting the fox and turning to run fast but noticing that their were a bunch more alphas from behind them.
"Omega..." the largest wolf snarled out as he walked infront of the two hybrids his pack surrounding the two.
"Give him... ours" the leader growled stepping close toward the two, his pack watching closely for any signs of getting ready to attack their leader.
"He's my mate! You can't take my omega!" He snarled through his teeth getting angry that they were trying to claim his sweet omega that he had waited a life time to meet.
"No mark... free for all... I want him to carry my pups" he said with a cheeky growl that showed his cockyness, he wanted the pretty fox to be his since he wasn't claimed at all.
"No a-alpha! T-this is my alpha" Yuki whimpered not wanting to be taken away from yoonjae his true mate.
"Give him... Now!" The alpha growled stepping closer
"Over my dead body" he snapped before breaking through the alphas holding the fox in his teeth and quickly running through two of the wolves who had enough room for him to get out.
He could hear the other alphas snarling and barking from behind him which made him extremely angry fuelling his body to run quicker than usual.
He would never give up his omega that he had waited for so long to get because he loved the omega, he had never felt his heart beat so badly for someone like this, since he lost that hybrid so long ago because they didn't want him anymore.
Now he has someone who wants him and he wants them just as much.
Yoonjae never stopped running he kept running through muddy puddles, through small hollow trees and through ditches anything that got in his way he ran through to save his omega.
The wolves were restless behind him, the sound of there paws slamming against the piney forest floor was making him want to run faster but if he did, he would risk stumbling with the young fox who clearly would stand no chance against a pack of Alphas.
He looked around quickly having put a little bit  of distance between them, but there was no sure way he could make sure that they could get away unharmed because of the scent the omega had, they knew it because Yuki had basically tried to claim their territory without knowing, they knew the scent to well he needed to figure out how to protect him and quick.
His snout began sniffing around only to smell a horrible scent which was wild mushrooms, even though as human they had no scent, to hybrids they were disgusting and could mask any scent possible, and lucky for Yoonjae there was a tiny hollow log in behind the mushrooms.
Yoonjae walked over quickly before placing the fox down and pushing the foxes butt with his snout into the little hollow log, yuki was scared he didn't know what he had fully done wrong or why those alphas wanted him, he was trapped in flight or fight mode and he wanted to fly away.
"A-Alpha why..." he whimpered turning around in the log as he stared out of it at the large alpha who was trying to make him stay there.
"Hide... I'll come back... stay here" he tried to say a dominate growl being released from his chest.
"P-please don't leave me..." Yuki begged as he began whimpering  he was scared out of his mind, he didn't like this situation the wolves were so mean and trying to take him away from his true alpha that he loved more than life itself. The little omega began slowly crawling out to be near his alpha.
"STAY HERE!" The alpha snapped at the omega, his heart ached and he knew he didn't mean to snap but his alpha wasn't sweet he only wanted to protect his mate, he would kill for his mate... it's the price alphas pay for their omegas.
"I-I'm sorry... please just stay here I'll come back Alpha just needs to trick the other alphas... then alpha will play with puppy as much as he wants" Yoonjae said before sticking his snout into the little hollow log and licking yukis nose.
"I love you..." the alpha said before making a run for it hearing the wolves near him again, he was lucky enough to still have yuki's scent on his fur from play fighting, hopefully it would be enough...
Yuki was left alone in the cold dark woods hiding in a log that he was only just able to fit his tiny fox body in it.
"I-i love you to..." he said quietly before resting his head on his paws staring out of the log waiting as time began drifting by...

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