⚠️Fourty [Pt 1 of 2]⚠️

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Okay real talk people so I decided to split the last chapter into two because this chapter is over 3000+ words and I still have a few scenes to write I thought one more chapter won't hurt so this is the final but just Part 1 or 2
So I hope you enjoy part one and come back for part two to see what Happeneds further down the track

(⚠️Btw smut is in the last part of this chapter so warning⚠️)

One Month Later

So.... are you ready?

Yeah... it's been awhile

How is your husband?

I don't know I havnt seen him yet

Well I know he's waiting for you now

He better be because I'm afraid he's run away and become a runaway groom

Hmmm I doubt he would leave you I mean you are the love of his life

I guess I'll see you him out there

I guess you will

I love you dickface

I love you to pup

Yuki breathes heavily as he stood in the mirror staring at his white suit which was perfect he did feel a little bit ugly because of his stomach which was getting bigger because of the puppies Yoonjae always told him that he looked amazing no matter what and he would always love him.
Yuki felt his stomach kick again as he chuckled speaking to himself as if his puppies could hear him.
"Hey pups I know you're excited to see daddy get married to appa but mother poking her head in the room making him feel extremely anxious.
"It's time honey" she said with a smile as she walked up to him and began fixing his pink tie with a smile.
"I always knew you would be something special" she said with a smile he had done something that not many people got to do he found the one and today was all about them, she gently put his arm in her as she walked him down the isle, all of there friends and family were there even a spot that had no one in it, it only had the name Minjoon on it.
She gently kissed her sons cheek and then kissed her further son in laws cheek before walking to sit next to Yukis father, auntie and uncle.
"Dearly beloved we have gathered you here today to bring together Yuki Yokota and Yoonjae Park, two mates who had traveled oceans to find each other and be truely in love... if the two grooms would like to announce there vows" the presist smiled before stepping back slightly allowing the two hybrids to announce there vows they both stared at each other with a mix of excitement passion and terror in there eyes, they had spent so much time working on there relationship they were both afraid something might happend..
"I'll go first..." Yoonjae smirked at Yuki holding the omegas hands tightly.
"The first time I received your message I had two options, I could ignore it and say wrong number or I could make a new friend I didn't know that just by accepting it I would meet my true mate, the love of my life, one of my best friends and the father of our pups... even though we have had our share of fights I love you and will never leave your side even in death I'm here with you for this life and the next..." he smiled brightly Yukis eyes were tearing up at the speech even some of the relatives and friends were sobbing at yoonjaes words but the only person Yoonjae was focused on was his omega.
"When you came into my life I was afraid, I wanted to give up on love because I had never meet the one who I felt a connection with, I had spent so long searching I felt like I became google... But you changed that you changed me, I never thought the man I would be marrying and having puppy's with would be the man who I meet through a phone... I love you and I don't plan on stopping anytime..." Yuki said half crying throughout his vows as he couldn't contain how he felt he was so happy, or maybe it was the pregnancy making him emotional but he was definitely happy.
"Yoonjae, do you take Yuki Yokota as your lawful husband to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, for sickness and in health to love and cherish until death and the great beyond?"
"I do"
"Yuki, do you take Yoonjae Park as your lawful husband to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, for sickness and in health to love and cherish until death and the great beyond?"
"I do.."
"You May now kiss the Omega"
Yoonjae smirked pulling Yuki towards him and wrapping his hands tightly around the omegas waist pressing there lips together firmly, Yuki wrapped his own arms around Yoonjae neck both of there tails moving to press against each other's and almost intertwine if they were a little longer.
There ears twitched as the sounds of the crowd cheering but they didn't even acknowledge that just continued to kiss there lips not leaving each other until they needed to Yoonjae smirking at the omega who was blushing bright red.
"I love you...
"I love you too...

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