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Quick Talk Guys and Girls! I'm debating on how much longer I want my lonely omega to go on for! I know so many of you love it and I do to I can't help but be grateful for how much love you have given this book more than I expected! But in all honesty I feel like it's getting to a point where I can be happy with the ending and move onto something new!
But don't worry I'm not just going to end it like next chapter or anything! It's still got a 3-10 chapters left in it!
If you have any questions I'll reply to all of them promise ❤️💜💚💙💛💕❣️




"Goodbye..." Yuki said as he looked down at his own feet because deep down he felt emotional, the alpha was refusing to acknowledge that he was leaving or that he cared, he didn't even come to see Yuki off at the airport he just called him.
"Goodbye Yuki..." he said with a cold tone he didn't know what to do for Thai situation, he hated Yuki for what happend he knew he shouldn't be angry but he wanted to have Yukis puppies so bad and he didn't want Yuki to take the pill at all... but it wasn't his choice it was Yukis body and his choice.
Within the span of a week and only two of those days they were mated they were already broken and it seemed like Yoonjae didn't wanna be fixed unless it meant Yuki would give up his life for his alpha.

Yuki got on the plan and went home leaving Australia and his mate behind which broke his heart because he needed His mate so badly but he knew that Yoonjae wanted him to leave.
"YUKI BABY! YOUR HOME! HOW WAS YOUR TRIP!" Yukis mother screamed with joy she kissed her son so much and seeing him made him felt so good.
"W-What is this" she said pulling the males T-shirt and hoodie over seeing the mating bite, her heart almost dropped as she was worried at how it happened, what if he didn't like getting mates and what if it was by force..
"DID SOMEONE FORCE YOU INTO BEING MATED ILL KILL THEM!" she screamed loudly as she went to the kitchen to grab the knife and her phone to go and kill the fucker who touched her baby.
"No! Mom! Calm down ... I meet my mate" Yuki smiled fakely as his heart was broken by the thoughts of Yoonjae.
"In Australia! Baby you know what happeneds when mates are away from each other, you should know this one time your father went on a trip away to Tokyo to see his mother he ended up going feral and they had to ship him back in a box because of his wolf form not changing back, he came back and shifted into his human form and boy did he make my legs not work for weeks it was just constant breeding and that's how I had you" she said with a sigh thinking back to that beautiful moment of making Yuki.
"OH MY FUCKING GOD MOM NO I DONT OMFG THAT IS DISGUSTING" Yuki yelled loudly as he began ignoring his mother's voice and walked towards his bedroom only to hear her shout.
"Yuki wait!" She shouted as he stopped in his tracks knowing if he dosnt listen to his mother his internet will be cut of.
"Look honey, I can tell something bad happened talk to me..." she said with a smile hoping her son would tell him what's bothering him.
"It's nothing just mate stuff... can I go to sleep please" he said with a fake smile that to his mother seemed normal, even her mother instincts couldn't tell he was struggling because Yuki was used to hiding his emotions because he knew that he liked to hide and keep people being happy.
"Okay honey let's talk later okay I'll make your favourite food for dinner" she said with a smile as Yuki nodded...
Yuki spent the rest of that night crying violently into his pillow and holding himself because he had no one else to hold him anymore..: he thought back to when he was mated by Yoonjae and he regretted every moment now but he still loved it he still felt like he had something with the male but deep down he was pissed off.

2Days later in Australia

"Your a fucking idiot!" Minjoon yelled at Yoonjae who was sitting on his bed cold and glaring his bedroom was already a mess, he had smashed his tv and draws the bed board was broken he punched it, there were four holes in the wall from his punching.
"SHUT UP" he yelled slamming his hand into his bed side cabinet as it broke through the cabinet.
"WHY THE FUCK SHOULD I YOU ACT SO FUCKING COCKY YOU HAD A CHANCE AT LOVE YOU SAID HE WAS YOUR MATE HOW CAN YOY PRETEND TO BE A GOOD PERSON" Minjoon was so lost for words he had never been the kind of person who would get angry at nothing because he would be able to stay calm in any kind of situation.
"HE DIDNT WANT ME!" Yoonjae yelled loudly in pure anger as his teeth were shifting into k9's getting sharper with every second which just showed how angry he was.
I HAVE A QUESTION IF I ASKED YOU TO MARRY ME RIGHT NOW WOULD YOU FUCKING DO IT ? YOU ARE A PIECE OF TRASH" Minjoon acreamed at him before kicking the door he was mad because Yoonjae was usually very caring and never hurt anyone he was always willing to be hurt but he hurt someone because they couldn't make up a Decision because he hadn't lived his life yet.
"You know what Yoonjae, I hope you are fucking happy you know Chanmin? He made a good move leaving you, and it sucks that Yuki had to get the forceful and broken version of you, cause I know why you want him to have your puppies so early because your afraid he would leave you even though you are mates... it can't be enough for you can it..." he said coldly before slamming the door and leaving Yoonjae all alone in a broken room and in a former shell of himself.
"Yuki..." he thought about wth a worry as he was hit with this realisation that he was wrong about his judgement but he couldn't just ask Yuki to come back after three days.
"I messed up.." he said quietly as he layer down on his broken bed and stared at ceiling with sadness.
"I'm going to go wild without him...."

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