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(Badly edited)

"Alpha...." Yuki whined as his head was swirling he felt like he was on a cloud and couldn't move, he grabbed his wrist feeling something hard on it as he began knocking it against the side of the bed.
"MY SKIN IS DYINGGGGG" he cried loudly he didn't like it and was scared as tears began falling down his face.
"We had to give him a little extra nitrous oxide when he began moving" the doctor said quietly to the alpha before grabbing yukis cast and holding it so he wouldn't re break his bones that they had just aligned.
"Yuki it's a cast, it's helping your body" the doctor said but Yuki didn't listen he continued crying his eyes were wet and emotional his ears were twitching violently and moving, he couldn't figure out what happened.
"Pup..." Yoonjae growled before moving closer and kissing the boys lips gently his alpha growling wanting his time back with the omega he wanted to be let loose.
"D-Daddy... am I dieing" Yuki said whimpering to his alpha, it was extremely normal for when hybrids to be hit with the nitrous oxide their animals had more control well their human side tended to rest and relax.
"Pup don't call alpha daddy here..." Yoonjae said before whispering into his ear.
"Your Fine my little puppy, stop hurting yourself you are not dieing, if you were dieing I would die with you promise" Yoonjae said with a small grin hoping that would help settle the pup his alpha was being calmer than before now
"Wanna kiss pup deeper..." Yoonjae wolf growled as he was trying to have more control.
"Look I know you want to but we are i the hospital" Yoonjae thought so he wolf could hear him.
"He should be able to be discharged now but do you have a way home or do we need a taxi?" The doctor asked softly seeing the omega wasn't crying anymore he was just staring at his alpha like he was the only thing in the world.
"I can call a friend" Yoonjae said before pulling out his phone from his bloody jeans and calling Minjoon his wolf was ready to snap at the human though for leaving them in the forest with now at back.
The call went to voice male which made Yoonjae want to rip his best friends head off.
"YOU ASSHOLE HOW FUCKING COULD YOU LEAVE ME AND YUKI ALONE IN THE FUCKING FOREST BECAUSE WE COULDN'T GET TO YOU I ALMOST LOST MY FUCKING MATE!" Yoonjae yelled so deeply everyone in the room could practically feel their own vocal cords shake.
Yuki began whimpering like he was being pounded from behind for the first time, the deepness in the voice made yukis omega submit he was basically giving his body to the alpha in the middle of a hospital, he was beginning to get a little bit hotter and leaks a horrible amount of lube.
"Call a cab... NOW" the alpha hissed at the doctor before lifting the omega off the bed and holding the boy in a night gown in both arms his legs wrapped tightly around his waist, Yoonjaes hands were holding the boy up by his butt.
"A-alpha..." the omega whimpered rubbing his head into the others neck it wasn't good something was wrong, the omegas scent was becoming a lot stronger than usual.
"What's wrong..." the alpha said before feeling and smelling and using his common sense.
Yoonjae felt the gown where Yuki's butt was, was extremely wet, when Yoonjae moved his hand under the gown his boxers were dripping a thick lube.
that wasn't the only thing, when Yoonjae noticed the boy was admitting a scent that was really powerful, it wasn't normal it was causing the alpha to lose control, his own dick was getting hard and his sense were being heightened.
"The cabs here" the doctor said before pointing outside to tinted window cab.
Yoonjae knew he needed to get into the cab quickly with the omega he walked out the door his tail standing on end as he shoved yuki into the cab before turning towards the driver.
"DRIVE To (address)" Yoonjae snapped the driver shrugging he had dealt with so much worse.
He began driving and focused on the road never daring to make eye contact with the alpha or omega..
Yuki was whimpering and trying to crawl into yoonjaes lap, he was hard and leaking and for some reason he wasn't feeling like himself, Yoonjae knew the omega was being forced into a heat, since the scent was becoming stronger and trying to make him go into a rut.
"NO" the alpha growled trying to contain his body, he couldn't let lose and start trying to mate the omega in a car, and like he had said many times before he wanted it to be special not just a heat making yuki horny and wanting to get dicked down.
"A-alpha... p-please" yuki whimpered lowing his head into yoonjaes lap and gently nuzzling his face into yoonjaes growing dick.
Yoonjae struggled to no make the omega regret asking but he handled it.
"Sit still" he sighed pulling yuki onto his lap in the car so yuki had to stare him deep into his eyes and focus on only him.
"Shhh... alpha will help..." he said but not in the way yuki wanted, Yoonjae showed the omega  four of his finger before waiting for yuki to catch on, which he did within seconds and began giving them sweet little kitten licks which made the alpha groan.
"You are so cute... and innocent..." Yoonjae chuckled
"I want to destroy your innocence though" his inner wolf growled knowing that Yoonjae was thinking the same but not saying it.
"Pup you need to... hmmm" he stopped himself before his brain jumped yuki was a omega so he had that lube like substance already spraying out of his asshole.
"Baby... are you okay with daddy helping you?" Yoonjae wanted to make sure since consent was key (😁) yuki nodded violently he didn't care what the alpha did to him as long as it made the strong heat he was feeling go away.
"Okay close your eyes and count with daddy to three" yuki was whimpering hoping his daddy would at least fix something.
"One" yuki counted along with Yoonjae as he felt the other slowly move his hands up his pale yet slightly talented thighs pushing up the gown.
"Two" yuki felt his body being lifted as Yoonjae pulled off his boxers.

(Edit: Hi frienderinos! I just had a quick question in my stories I userally recycle characters because the characters tend to be based on people I know tmi I know haha, but if I were to write another story would you rather have it be completely new characters you can fall in love with? Or the same characters in a alternate universe?
It's just a question because I don't know :P thanks for you help!
Your and forever and always author person ^^)
👀⚠️Possible smut next chapter⚠️👀

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