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(Flashback following Yoonjae)
(badly edited sorry :-:)

"I love you..." the alpha said before making a run for it hearing the wolves near him again, he was lucky enough to still have yuki's scent on his fur from play fighting, hopefully it would be enough...
Yoonjae was running faster he knew the wolves were coming for the omega, Yoonjae was feeling at least a little bit of relief knowing the omega was safe unless he did something dumb.
He could hear them not far behind there feet trampling on the ground which to Yoonjae was music to his ears knowing that they had been duped, but he still had to hide himself from them or fight them off if he could he would kill them all for Daring to touch his omega.
He stopped running when he was far enough away from the pup he stopped and turned around, his body was standing tall waiting for them and when they were close enough he growled.
The alphas of the pack stalked him but it was odd, it seemed like they were all split up and there were only four of the nine wolves were surrounding him in a circle.
"Where is the omega..." one of the second in command wolves growled aggressively staring with his blood red eye at the alpha, four vs one seemed like a easy fight for the other alphas but they underestimated him.
"Gone... you only have me now" Yoonjae snarled back which made the alphas get into an attacking stance.
One wolf lunged from behind at Yoonjae going to take a chunk of his leg which would make the alpha struggle to walk, Yoonjae skilfully dodged the attack and then using his own force shoved the wolf into the ground before using his hind paw to kick the alpha in the head knocking it out unconsious.
That was a mistake, another alpha came from the left and then shoved Yoonjae harshly into a tree before using there Jaw and clamping down on his front right paw which made Yoonjae howl in pain.
The wolf refused to let go but Yoonjae used the strength he had and smashed his own head into the others which caused the wolf to let go.
He slammed them again harshly and then snapped his jaw shut directly on the wolf's vocals cords growling as he had his sharp teeth dug so deep blood was squirting from his mouth... he wasn't deep enough that it wouldn't go into his airways but at the same time deep enough that his vocal cords would be damaged to the point of being unfixable.
The wolf hissed out in pain as Yoonjae removes his jaw the wolf laying who was laying there bleeding and trying to make noise... nothing but harsh screams.
The third wolf came from the right aide of a tree behind Yoonjae biting hard on his right side, his teeth sinking deep as he began shaking his head trying to rip Yoonjaes flesh apart on his right side...
It hurt like fuck the pain was unbareable it was like he was being stabbed repeatedly in the right side and then poured lemon juice and salt  directly into the open wounds.
Yoonjae began running dragging the wolf who was pretty light and clamped down on his side , his paw hurting but he needed to keep going he finally felt the wolf's jaw released, the wolf smacking his head Hard into a tree root and didn't move.
Yoonjaes body ached as he was still being pursued by those wolves who wanted him dead so they could locate and take the omega, there were now three new wolves chasing him the oringals staying behind to care for the members who were damaged badly...
The three new wolves were smaller than Yoonjae which gave him a home field advantage, he easily took all three down within minutes of them attacking him.
He took down one by doing the same thing that happened to him but instead of biting his side he bite down on the wolves leg sinking his teeth deep on one paw, then doing it on another paw to make sure the wolf wouldn't get back up and pursue him.
He took down the second wolf by knocking them unconscious into a tree head first.
The third begged for mercy, and Yoonjae being the kind wolf he was only threw the tiny wolf into a ditch that was deep so he couldn't get out no matter how hard he tried unless his pack saved him...
Yoonjae was sore but he knew he needed to get back to his omega and it worried him that was the only reason he was continuing on... he looked around where was he?
He decides it was best to use his nose, he smelt the air looking for any familiar scent, his mate, his sweet little Mates scent was giving him power and direction.
Yoonjae began following it towards a bridge which he had crossed well running away from the pack, he could see a single set of red eyes staring at him from across the bridge which made him
Another wolf to take down.
"I'll kill you if you don't move..." Yoonjae growled deeply as he didn't stop walking across the bridge wanting to let the alphas blood splatter like artwork on a canvas if he refused to move.
"You won't win... you already damaged... if you give omega, you live" the wolf growled back coming out from the shadows as the two wolves began walking in circles together
"Without omega... I will die" Yoonjae growled back.
"Then you will die... leader wants pretty omega" the wolf hissed back
"He won't have omega... omega is mine..." Yoonjae howled back
"No... omega will carry leaders puppies... he is as alpha says... a good sub who will beg to carry alphas pups in his cute tummy" the alpha barked
That was the final straw for Yoonjae the stepped
over the line, he pounced on the other large wolf slamming him into the floor of the bridge holding him down, he wanted to leave him with a reminder of What happens if they ever come near him and his omega.
He began slashing at the alphas eye with his paws his claws leaving deep scratches all over the alphas face and neck his face becoming a bloody mess as the alpha puffed violently using all his strangers to make sure this alpha would be scared for life.
The alpha had stopped moving after five minutes of pure slashing, he wasn't dead but was unconscious from blood loss and pain.
He leaned his snout down growling in the alphas ear a few simple words.
"The only pups he will be carrying will be mine..." before continuing  on his way to go and get his omega....
Yoonjae made his way through the forest after finishing what he had started on the bridge, he could hear wolves howling for help needing to be taken to the hospital or howling for some sort of sign of life"
The wolves that did cross him backed away and ran in the opposite direction.
The animal hybrids that were wondering around hid knowing the alpha was on a quest to save his omega.... that was when he saw it, his tiny omega being thrown out of the log by the large wolf and into a ditch, any calmness that was left in him was gone, he felt the anger bubble over more than it ever had he had never wanted to watch someone die more than he did now...


"And then I tried to kill the wolf... that was about it before I brought Yuki here" yoonjae said, he wasn't proud of what he did at all, he most likely damaged some hybrids to the point they would never be truely fixed.
"Are any of them dead" yoonjae asked quietly, legally it was true hybrids in there animal stats didn't have to obey any laws because they were technically dominated by there animal instincts but morally.... some saw it as a free way to kill or do anything a hybrid may want to do.
"Well we got three that were taken into surgery, one for vocal cord restructuring which has a 20% success rate... but it's mainly to just fix the open bites in his throat, your lucky if you had of gone a cm deeper you would have gotten into his airways.
Another was brought in and he had claw marks and gashes all over his face, the gashes are pretty deep but most likely he will be fine but he will be scarred for life.
We also have the pack leader in surgery getting his wounds fixed, when you bit down you hit a vital organ, but he was saved in time he will live..." the doctor continued on
"They are lucky I let them live..." yoonjae said as he hissed at the stinging feeling of the doctor patching up the small wounds on his sides of his stomach.
"The wolf that bit you went deep but lucky for us his teeth were dull so he didnt get huge marks on you... they should heal with stitches.
"Okay..." yoonjae muttered before staring st the clock to focus on the time before he could see his omega again.

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