Guide To Randomness:

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Random Things To Say Or Do:

1: Run up to a starnger and say, "My chameleon's name is pomegranate. " Then stare at your fingernails with the creepiest smile you can do, then turn and run away clapping.

2: If your late for class, come into the room as calmly as you can,  and sit down. When the teacher starts talking, sit up and scream, "DAMMIT I FORGOT TO FEED MY GOLDFISH!

3: Walk up to a stranger and say, "Hi! I'm {Your Name} and I'm {your age}! Wow it sure is nice to talk to people outside the asylum." Then walk away.

4: When someone walks by, start screaming at a tree and telling it how it ruined your life

5: Go into a public bathroom, and when someone comes into the stall next to you, slide a note over to them that says, "They're onto us. We have to go."

6: Walk into an electronic store with a banana and say you want an upgraded to an apple.

7: Walk up behind a stranger and whisper this in their ear: "Sometimes, when I'm alone, I dress all in brown, lay on the ground and pretend to be a potato."

8: Buy a donut and complain because it has a hole in it

9: When the waitress brings you your drink and the pitcher, dump out the cup, pour sweetner in the cup and pour more of the drink on top of the sweetner.

10: Say "I am Optimus Prime," imitating his voice while introducing yourself for a job application.

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