You know what gives me nightmares and TOTALLY scares me? You know that talking fruit punch bowl for the Kool aid commercials? Yeah... I hate that guy! The fruit bowl... wearing tights... that's a horrible combination I don't like my fruit wearing tights fruit punch shouldn't wear tights.
Yeah he'd come bursting through the walls, "OH YEAH!"
All the little kids would be excited, "Yes, yes!"
Then they would drink out of him! He'd pour himself, "OH YEAH! OH YEAH!
That's disturbing!
I would be like, "Oh no! No! You fix that wall before my dad gets home! He's gone beat me with a belt he won't believe that a talking fruit punch bowl broke our wall! Yeah, going through the wall is cool. Wanna know what's even cooler? GOING THROUGH THE DOOR!" No don't touch me you drink! Don't touch me you giant beverage!"
"Oh yeah!"
"Oh no! Naughty naughty Kool aid!"
"Oh yeah?"