8. The Lurking Fear

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On an open-top tour bus on the second day of my stay in the City, I was looking around, clicking pictures, talking with strangers who just like me were visitors or on their honeymoon and trying so hard to divert my mind as it pulled some strings whenever I thought about James.

Last evening when I came back to hostel after wandering around in the city, James engulfed me in a hug. I was shocked at first but my heart relaxed like all the tiredness had been washed away.

'So, how was your solo date?' He enquired with a smile on his face. His smile did wonders to my heart.

'Oh, it was great, visited a few sights, walked and walked, talked to the local people. You tell me.' I was blushing and I didn't know why.

'Ours were just normal, we had some college procedures that we needed to finish but before I forget I want to invite you for the bonfire night that will happen the day after tomorrow and you can't miss that. You just have to come.'

His sincerity made me nod my head instantly.

'I would love to.'

Then later in the evening we talked and laughed and even Emma and Vince joined and for no reason, we all went outside and were running on the gardens crazily. My heartbeat was pounding madly.

Could there be some other reason behind it?

And now being in a bus tour, I couldn't stop thinking that what he must be doing at this time and smiling like a lunatic.

Tour bus made few stops for a toilet break and for local restaurants. I was looking for the chemist shop and upon finding it; I bought two jumbo size packs of Healthy Me sanitary pads. I was getting the feeling that something was going to happen. So, better to be prepared.

The bus made several rounds of the city and stopped in a few places for two to three hours. I stepped out of the bus and started walking among the group of people trailing behind the tour guide but that seemed so robotic to me. I was looking at what he was telling me to look and I didn't find any joy in that. So, I followed the street light since it was evening. I steered away from the group and started walking in other direction keeping in mind to be on the premises of the tour bus.

I started walking and found an insane dark fort giving the vibes of a creepy haunted place. Its walls were covered with ancient pictures and had a dome-style design. It wasn't deserted since people were clicking pictures of that but I noticed no one was going inside.

But I had the curiosity of going inside and therefore I took out my torchlight and headed towards it.

'Hey, where are you going?' A middle-aged guard asked in his stern voice.

'I want to go inside. Will there be a problem?'

'Nah, no such problem but suit yourself.' Why did it feel like he was keeping his mouth shut for some unknown reason?

Is it a good idea?

I opened the gate, stepped inside and stopped.


It was a police station or they made the use of this haunted house as a police station but who came up with this architectural brilliant idea to turn a haunted place into this? Who would come here?

'You need any help ma'am?' An officer asked.

'No, so sorry. I lost my way but now I know, so no worry.' I immediately replied and turned back and made a grand exit by running away from that place.

That place surely gave me creeps.

I walked for some time and decided to go back to the bus but I was unable to find my way back so, I increased my pace and took some left and right and was looking out for any old faces but I couldn't find one.

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