20 (b) Kill and Settle

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That night was our last night in Mash Mill because the next day we were heading to Hunky Dory town. I was dead tired when my cheek hit the pillow and sleep took me away from the entire hustle-bustle.

I didn't wake up when alarm continuously rang for ten times on my head. I didn't wake up with thunderous knocks on the door that woke up other people on the floor but I did wake up when someone suddenly splashed a 5 litre of bucket of cold water over me.

'Wohhhhhh what the hell!!!!' I woke up like someone had given me a shock and I was dripping from head to toe.

'Look, the careless beauty has finally woken up' I looked up to see the culprit Brayden with the bucket in his hand. 'Will you wake up, we have a bus to catch in 1 hour.'

I was silently sitting unable to grasp the situation, my warm bed was downright cold now and then I saw him going in the bathroom and bringing the bucket with water filled up to its brim.

'I am up, I am up. No need of your act of heroism.'

'That's great then, I regret not doing this yesterday itself but I didn't want to ruin my mood for appointment. But today, was soooo fun. You can accept this for burning my shirt.' He had that evil smirk on his face.

I thought he said it enough when he added, 'But don't glare at me. It just happened unconsciously.' He took a pause. 'but it's just the starting, be ready for more.'

Like hell, I will be scared. Bring it On.

We reached Hunky Dory town and we always stayed within 5 km radius. He always vanished for some hours telling me about important appointments and I was left wondering what he actually did for a living.

And when we met whenever we got time, he always used to remind me, 'that something worse is definitely coming' or scared me with his stupid spider pranks or murdering me with his sarcastic comments.

Our stop was here for two days and one evening while we were in a diner having dinner, I felt like his evil eyes were telling me that he was planning something bad for me.

I had to make my move first. Luck was in my favour. He excused himself for the washroom and left his phone behind. When he was out of my sight, I quickly took his phone and started unlocking it with his screen password. I had peeked earlier just twice or thrice while he drew his pattern and somehow I tried to unlock it. Time was running but after three failed attempts and paying undeniable concentration in my own head, I unlocked it.

I quickly did what I had to do and kept the phone in an exact position. After a few minutes, he came back.

'Scarlett.' I looked at him with my most innocent look. 'If you want, you can head back to the hostel or you can wait here. I need to talk to one lady, so, I will meet you later.' And then he winked at me.

'Ohhh!!! So, you found someone. That's cool. I will head outside then. But my only advice to you, just work on your averageness.'

'Oh please!! By the end of our conversation, she will be giving me her phone number and maybe a kiss and who knows where our actions might lead us, want to bet?'

'I might puke for thinking about "your actions" but overconfidence will be your downfall and yeah, be prepared to lose.'

So, I quickly head out and told him that I will be going to hostel but I ducked myself behind the diner's door and noticed their conversation. The girl was pretty, seemed of my age and they both were giggling about something. She took out her phone and at that moment, I decided to swing my wand.

I took out my phone and dialled the rabbit's number. The moment it started ringing I noticed their expressions and saw discomfort on Brayden's face. That pretty face made a stinking expression. Brayden looked around, left and right and I quickly hid. I again dialled and again and again and I just couldn't control my laughter. He quickly excused himself and I saw him marching towards the door.

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