11. Broken Spell

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Well, that looked pretty awesome.

But awesome seemed such an insignificant word the way Starry Night place was enveloped with bright lights lighted upon trees, the ground was covered in the blanket of pink rose petals and when you looked up at the sky, it felt like the heavens have opened the gate and blessed the city with its most twinkling stars.

The place was perfect for the bonfire night and the rush in the place seemed to warm the atmosphere.

It lifted my spirit and I looked around seeing people dancing in circles, giggling and laughing, stumbling and falling. Their laugh echoed in the area.

'Isn't this great? I bet you would have missed it if you haven't come with us.' James was beaming and his smile was up to his eyes. I looked down and saw that our hands were holding each other.

Just because there is so much rush in this place. That's why. Nothing else.

'Indeed it's beautiful. Thank you so much for bringing me here. I feel so refreshed now.'

I am so much looking forward to this night.

'Well, I earlier thought to show you the city but then you wanted to explore on your own.' He was looking straight into my eyes, 'which is great but then I thought I can't let you go without showing you the real beauty of this place and I don't think so I regret this decision.'

My heart was pounding loudly. His words, his sincerity, his smile was creating havoc in my heart.

'Of course, I am glad you brought me here.' I shifted awkwardly since the tension between us was thickening. 'So, where are Emma and Vince?'

'Oh, they must be here somewhere.' He was looking around at the place. 'Or must be partying with my friends or they would have found their usual spot.' He smirked.

'Ooooo taking advantage of the night.' I grinned evilly and swayed my shoulders left to right.

He laughed heartedly. 'Oh! They take advantage of every night.'


We were walking and I was so excited like I was in a chocolate factory that I didn't notice a man was going to bump into me.

'Hey man, watch out.' James took me by my waist and my heart halted.

The man was swaying and had a black bottle in his hands. His eyes were glassy.

'Ooops, Sssooryy.' He was totally wasted. 'Buy me Bino-cu-rurulars. I will wero- wear them on my eyes.' His hands were covering the eyes and he started walking, 'and would walllk carefully. ' He was walking like he had a blindfold on his eyes.

'Sure, I will. I will parcel in the police station, you can take it from there.' James took hold of my hand and started walking in the direction of the bonfire.

'Creepy fellow. Why drink so much when you can't tell whether you are walking straight or floor is tricking you?'

'He must be having his reasons to drink.' He paused. 'There they are, come and  meet my friends.'

He waved at his friends. There were two pretty girls and three college like boys. One of them was singing and had a guitar in his hands. It looked like they were having a pretty good time.

'Hey, James, you can leave my hand now. I think I am fine.' I smiled politely but I was having a battle in my heads.

'Oh yeah sure.' He blushed.

His friends saw him and they all cheered him up like he was some kind of hero.

'Woohh-Wooh, the man of the evening has arrived. You are just in time.' One of the boys gave a fist bump to him.

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