34. Kiss the Joys

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*Do you want to know what Brayden feel? Listen to this and your answer is right in front of you.*



Brayden's POV

'I really do want to know what you want to say.'

I made up my mind that I would tell her tonight itself but all those Romeo interruptions disrupted my mood.

'Yeah, I will tell you but give me some time.'

'Yeah sure take all the time you need. I will wait for you.'

Her smile and the way she uses her soft tone was becoming my weaknesses. So, before I could become a mess right in front of her, I thanked her and excused myself to gather my thoughts.

But where would I even run? I went to Ahjumma to give any assistance that she needed but Scarlett was already there helping her. I was looking at the collections of Romanian pottery when I heard her childlike giggle around me, I was fascinated by the fact that how easily she could make friends.

I reached to the dancing water fountain area where the clear crystal water was illuminated with LED interior lights and even the fountain was dancing to the beat of the music.

So, was my heart when it saw her in the arms of someone else's. For me, he was someone else but for her, he was Matt. My eyes were transfixed when I saw her dancing with him and even a few children also joined. They looked like a happy family and I look like a destroyer of their moment with my gaze directing at them.

The red devil on my left shoulder was telling me to steal her from his arms and the white angel on my right shoulder was telling me to wait for her. She will come on her own.

But this weight is making me weight too much. It's unbearable.

I didn't know what Matt's fascination was in whispering into her ear and it irritated me that he couldn't talk normally to her. But in a second she looked at me and gave a hearty laugh to him. He finally left her alone and planted a kiss on her forehead and then she started walking towards me.

My heart, get this straight, I don't care about that kiss.

When she approached me, she said in a very gentle voice, 'the way you were looking at us, I could clearly see smoke rising out of your ears, it was that evident.'

'May I have a dance with you, Scarlett?'

She smirked but nodded at me. She closed the distance and kept her hand on my shoulder and I very sensually kept my hand on her waist.

She could feel it. I could feel it. The slight sensation of that touch and then we started slow dancing.

'What's your relationship with Matt?'

She actually laughed at this question. 'If you are that much interested in Matt, then directly ask this question to him, only.'

'Do you know he likes you?' Because that was clearly evident.


'Do you like him too?'


Such an innocent yes tumbled my whole spirit of confidence.

'Hey, do you know he's gay?'

'Yes.' I didn't hear the question so, this "yes" came out in flow but when it clicked me what she asked, I shook my head.

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