30. Caged

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How on earth should I respond to that?

How could he ask just like that?

I didn't even bring my mouth freshener with me. Dammit.

He was silently looking at me and I was swarmed by hundred thoughts. It was not even that complicated for my heart but my head was making it. I had to say something.

'I knew it; I knew it that your heart will flutter after listening to my fantasy. I mean I don't blame your hormones because I am every man's fantasy but still you can't pop question like that.'

His hands were still clutching mine.

'And now look, my lips are little chapped, I didn't even bring my cherry lip balm and moreover I am not expert at kissing but man, you should give me some heads up like, "Scarlett, I am going to kiss you at this moment on this date" so, that I could practice but Nooo, You have to go out of your way and now my heart is beating so fast because of this unexpected question so, what are you going to do about it? I....'

My rant didn't even complete when he suddenly got up, closed the distance between us, and just like that melted his lips with mine.

I stopped, my heart stopped, time stopped, my whole world stopped.

His eyes were closed and I placed my palm on his beating chest. His hands very slowly grabbed my neck and played with my tangles. It was too hot for me to bear but in less than a second, his lips were away from mine.

It was just a beautiful peck but it was so powerful to last me a lifetime.

'Why did you kiss me?' I asked once I regained my lost breath.

'I wanted to. Today, I had to.' Was it his eyes changing colour or my brain was going fuzzy? 'And moreover, you yourself said that there's only one way to shut your rant and look at the brighter side, it worked.' He winked.

Can I die from embarrassment? My joke just backfired on me.

Be strong, Scarlett.

'Good night, Brayden. I hope you have a fantastic night.' I got up to leave. 'And I think you will now.' I muttered the last part.

'Will you stay the night with me? I promise I won't do any hanky panky with you because I fear your pepper spray but please stay.' The way he was holding my hand, he didn't want to let it go and I was holding back my laugh.

Those memories. He remembered everything. Einstein's brain.

'Fine, I will but I need to change so, yeah see you at some time.'

'Sure, I will wait for you.'

'Hold on your excitement Romeo, I am bringing my pepper spray with me.'

'I will still wait.'

And there's no doubt he has gone crazy.

I peacefully lay down on the bed surrounded by softness of a blanket, the comfort of fluffy pillows, and then looked at Brayden who creeped the hell out of me.

'Wipe that silly smile off your face.'

'Sure, madam.' And he didn't.

We were both facing each other, palms under our cheeks. He looked livelier now with his sparkling eyes. I could have conducted the staring contest right then and there but I knew I would lose because my eyes kept on looking at his lips and then I drifted off to sleep with the last thought of his lips on mine and thinking what he even saw in me?

'Someone stop THAT terror.'

I threw my pillow at that and deep-dived more in my blanket like a turtle but it wasn't stopping. The phone ringing still continued.

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