32. Can I Seduce You?

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*The music that summarises the essence of emotion between the two. Listen to it when that part comes, you might get travelled to that scene.*


'Speak about her like that again and I will end you.'

I had never seen Brayden that furious. He was punching the drunk human so awfully that I dreaded for other human being that was on his other side of punch but even drunk human wasn't giving up, he blocked his punch and gave him a kick that resulted in him grunting.

I was afraid that sooner or later one of them is going to call a coffin department. I didn't plan my next dream destination to be a graveyard.

I shouted and ran towards them. 'BRAYDEN, STOP. You are going to kill him.'

But the fight to death didn't stop between them. There was no one nearby and if I would go and call someone, till that time, it would be too late. The moment, I saw a gap between the two bodies, I intervened.

'Brayden, why are you doing this? Have you gone mad? You want to get a tag of a murderer?'

My hands were on his chest and he was breathing so hard. His face was little decorated with the patches of red here and there. The drunk human's situation was also not better. He bent down and was holding his stomach.

'Step away, Scarlett. He needs to be wiped off from this planet.' He was not even looking at me. He was grinding his teeth and his fist got clenched.

'NO. You come back to your senses, mister. I don't know what had happened but this madness ENDS NOW.'

His molten eyes instantly became soft and he whispered, 'You don't have to know.'

'What she doesn't have to know?' The drunk human was making its way towards us and had a sinister smile and a sly look.

'She isn't a child. I just want to fuck her. You have got a problem with that?'

Excuse Me!

'Scarlett, GET OUT OF MY WAY.'

I still kept my hands on his chest because I knew anger would lead us into deep trouble which we both can't afford to take.

'Yeah, step aside Scarlett, my love and then see the show where I will beat him to death and then I will take you to my place where I will fuck you so...' and then he started laughing like a madman.

'Son of a bitch.'

Before Brayden could turn his bones into ashes and the drunk human could have a privilege to finish his sentence, I punched straight to his jaw so intensely that he fell down and my hand felt the tremor of hurt.

'Did I break his jaw?' I asked Brayden.

'Most probably.'

'Good anyway he deserved it.'

We both hailed a cab after that to go back to our hotel, "Seven Heavens." My mood was totally ruined and my hand was in pain. It felt like my bones were cracking. The glimmering lights of the city were taunting me, mocking me of how a beautiful night turned into something painful. I sighed and kept my head on the window glass.

'Still hurting?'

'Sorry?' Brayden broke my reverie and pointed at my hand that I was holding close to my chest.

'Yeah but not that much. It's getting better now. Thanks.'

'Give me your hand, I will massage them, I know the trick.'

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