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It took them another day and a half to reach Urû'baen. Beo and Firnen landed on the large natural balcony carved from rock that allowed dragons to enter the palace. The two dragons walked through the large tunnel to an even larger room that once held the black dragon of Galbatorix: Shruikan.

Queen Nasuada was waiting for them in the large 'Dragon Lobby' as it was called. Arya did her traditional greeting while Iro did his, One foot forward while bowing.

Nasuada nodded politely, keeping her eyes on Beo and Iro, "Welcome to Urû'baen!"

Nasuada led them all to a part of the Dragon Lobby where they could rest and eat. Two large barrels were filled with a variety of raw venison for Beo and Firnen, while a small banquet table was laid with food for Nasuada and the two elves.

Do you see them? Beo asked Iro.

I do, Iro replied, seeing the guards standing in the shadows of the room. I suggest we never drop our guard from this point on.

Agreed, Beo answered. 

"Now," Nasuada said, turning to look at Iro, "I don't believe we have met."

"No, your majesty," Iro replied. "My name is Iro of the Dark Elves. And this is my dragon companion, Beo. We have come here to warn you of a threat to your Empire and the rest of the land."

"A threat?" Nasuada exclaimed. "What kind?"

Iro, with help from Beo and Arya, explained the fate of his people. That the Wraiths will attack the Empire, Ellesméra, the Dwarves, and any other races in the land before setting out for the rest of the world.

"This is a most troubling piece of news," Nasuada admitted, "But with the combined might of the four races, we are sure to defeat a single army."

You do not understand, human-queen, Beo told her. An army is made of the fighters of a race. The Wraiths are like a nest of insects, each with their own ruler.

"Each?" Nasuada and Arya asked.

"There are different types of Wraiths," Iro explained. "Heart Wraiths take the shape of the one closest to your heart and lure you into dropping your guard. Even if you know it is a Wraith, it is hard to resist their influence-"

-Then there are Dust Wraiths, Beo continued. Their hands and feet are crude weapons carved from stone. But their bodies are made of a swirling cloud of sand and dirt. They suffocate their victims and blind them with their bodies-

"-Fire Wraiths are small monkey-like imps that set fire to anything they touch," Iro said. "They latch onto you and burn you alive-"

-Forest Wraiths specialise in following their prey. They look like trees with arms and legs but can hide in plain sight. In a place like the forests of Du Weldenvarden, they are almost impossible to detect-

"-Sea Wraiths wait in shallow water before dragging you under. They are like water snakes, poisonous, silent, and very fast-"

-And then there are Dark Wraiths, Beo finished. They are adept in demoralising an army. For they can painlessly remove the skin from a person's face without killing him. They can also steal a voice, rendering a creature completely silent.

Arya and Nasuada were pale white with shock and fear. Never had they heard of such horrifying creatures.

"And there's more," Iro added.

"What more could there possibly be?!" Nasuada exclaimed.

Iro and Beo were hesitant in answering. "Each of these is only different sub-species among the Wraiths. Each one has their own nest, ruled by their own monarch. And a nest could contain thousands."

And their monarch will only be larger and more powerful, Beo told her.

Nasuada slumped in her chair while Arya held her head in her hands, both imagining the force of the Wraiths and the destruction they would cause. Iro let it sink in before he spoke again, "But there may be a solution."

"I...we, will both be grateful for any aid you can offer," Arya told him. Nasuada nodded her assent.

"There were special stones in the heart of E'egroth that had powerful runes inscribed on them. They hold the power and essence of every Dark Elf that has ever been born. It is even said that the souls of our dead are then transferred into them."

"A power like that could certainly change the tide in a battle..." Arya thought aloud.

They may also help in finding allies... Beo said hesitantly.

"What kind of allies?" Nasuada asked.

Iro took a deep breath before coming to a decision. This was the most guarded secret of his people and he was about to share it with the rulers of two kingdoms.

"They can be used to find any Dark Elf, wherever they may be in the world," Iro told them. "If there were any survivors from the Fall of E'egroth, then they can certainly help us."

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