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Here's what a Torch Wraith looks like, (I changed their name from Fire Wraith to Torch Wraith. They're like a spider monkey, but a bit bigger...and on fire. Fire Monkey?

This is a flashback to what happened after someone shouted "WRAITHS!"

Fa-Lin and Iro raced towards where someone had shouted the warning. Beo tried his best, but couldn't think clearly from the barrels of mead he had just consumed.

They were just about to enter the armoury's entrance to the surface when Aegis grabbed their arms. Just as he started to drag them both away, a branch from the huge tree above dropped down and crushed the building and effectively sealing the entrance and anyone who had already gone through.

"There's no time!" Aegis yelled over the sound of fighting that was coming from above. There was no more cheer or jokes anymore, this was a warrior of the Dark Elves. "We're in no condition to fight! I need both of you to lead everyone out through the tunnels to the surface. Escape to the mountains in the north-west! The humans call it the Spine!"

Fa-Lin nodded his understanding and was grateful to see Iro agree as well. There was not a single elf or creature by his side. Even the five El-Dars with all their power and wisdom. Aegis saw that they understood the importance and sent them off.

Then he turned and looked up. The soldiers he sent up wouldn't be able to hold the Wraiths off for much longer. But they were volunteers who knew that this and the falling branch was the best chance to get everyone out of E'egroth. He just hoped he hadn't sent them to their deaths for nothing.


While Fa-Lin was helping the people towards the tunnel on the far side of the city, Iro was busy tying to sober up his dragon. He had just got Beo to his feet when he fell onto his side, all his weight coming down on his left-wing. Beo let out a snarl of pain.

"Here, let us,"  a voice said. Iro turned around to see a pair of elves, both of them showing the signs of age that an elf shows when reaching a very old age.

The man placed his hands Beo's neck while the woman did the same to Beo's injured wing. With a sound like cracking stone and the trickle of a stream, the two elves sobered Beo and heald his wing.

Beo stumbled up and tested his healed wing. He looked at the pair and dipped his head in thanks. They both smiled weakly and did their best to bow in return but the drain on the strength was too much. Beo lowered his head so that the two of them could grasp it to steady themselves.

You are weakened, Beo told them. Please, ride on by back until your strength returns.

"We could not do that!" the woman protested. But Beo and Iro could see that she was pale and her partner looked like he was about to faint.

"You are about to fall," Iro told them gently. "This way, we don't have to tire others out to help you. You would be no heavier than one of the large beasts that Beo hunts."

The man placed a hand on his wife's shoulder. He was quite taller than she was. "I think it's for the best, Artin," he told her.

Finally, she nodded and Iro helped them both onto Beo's saddle. Just then, Fa-Lin tapped him on the arm. "We're ready to move out," he said softly. As they were moving towards the crowd of people, some of who were sobered by some of the healers, an explosion boomed from the city.

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