~ 1 - Call me Zak ~

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Skeppy, or in real life, known as Zak, was recording his usual videos with his friend BadBoyHalo, or more commonly known in the real world as Darryl. Zak let out a hearty laugh at Darryl's frustration.

"Just- Just undo it, Bad!" Zak managed to say between laughs and wheezes.

"I can't you, fattie McMuffin! You have to undo it!" Darryl was getting impatient and tired and in his tired state, he didn't really understand what the heck was going on, "Come on, Skeppy. Just fix it so I can go to bed, will you?"

"I- Okay Okay! Slash, slash," Zak read out as he typed the actual word out in chat, "Undo."

"Oh my goodness, Skeppy! You know what I mean, just undo it! Type '// undo'!"

Zak giggled harder, trying not to fall off his chair before realising Darryl might actually explode if he didn't do it, "Alright fine, night BaldBoyNoob."

Darryl huffed slightly at the others insulting nickname for him, in reality he didn't really mind but he understood that a bit of exaggeration was needed for Zak's videos. Don't get him wrong, all his frustration and anger was all real but it was more exaggerated and focused on something else. He sighed softly as he listened to Zak speak in a quieter tone.

"Thanks a lot for recording with me, Bad, I appreciate it," Zak yawned out, now he just needed to edit and-

"Are you actually gonna edit that right now? Instead of going to bed, where you can sleep?"

"I could say the same for you and your server, Mr Baldy," Zak tiredly giggled again, the excitement of the video gradually dissipating and transforming into a soft tiredness.

"One, I'm not bald and two, I was actually gonna go to bed for once, and three, so should you," Badboyhalo huffed, leaning back slightly in his chair, ready to turn off his pc already.

"Hm, Fine! I will go to bed, only on one condition."

It didn't really effect Darryl if the boy went to bed or not but he was kinda curious on what the condition was, "Yeah?"

"You have to stay on call to me overnight and you have to read me a book to help me sleep!"

Darryl sighed, smiling softly at the younger's cute and childish ideas, "If you say so, let me switch to my iPad and we can discord call, okay?"

"Really? Alright then!" Zak did the same, grabbing his phone as they both left the teamspeak and entered discord. "Are we putting facecam on? Eh I'll do t anyways."

Darryl started at his iPad in shock at the younger's appearance eyes bagged with a thick package of black, his lips cracked and tired, his raven hair unkempt and a complete utter mess and his eyes, tired and bloodshot, "No offense, Skeppy, but you look like poop."



Zak lay his head into his pillow snuggling into it, ready for his promised story.

"Call me Zak."

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